Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Berkley is not dead

Berkley is not dead

By Jon Ralston

class=”bypubdate”> Wednesday, on July 11, 2012 | 02:00

Shelley Berkley’s death, an occasional series:

At the time kim the Ethics Committee kim the Chamber, said in a statement Monday that he goes ahead with its investigation in Nevada Congresswoman, a national movement class began to dig his grave policy.

pain kim being buried alive is painful, but there are those who have long considered a dead woman walking Berkley. Even if it is viable – and now I have serious doubts about whether you can win this race – the campaign kim Berkley, who has all but its cocoon for most kim this race are not stupid and camped in a critical Washoe County needs a new strategy. And quickly.

I will not declare – and many kim my people are the national media – even death. Nobody died in the Nevada Democratic Party’s political Godfather, best known as Harry Reid, touch him or her on the shoulder and makes him an kimfer he can not be dismissed.

(Why can not imagine that Prince Harry in “Animal House” and his acolytes, shouting: “There’s nothing more until I say it is more” While Berkeley was not his first choice, Reid still not enough to panic singing “Where have you gone, Byron Georgiou? democratic country turns its lonely (and desperate) eyes for you …”)

I’ve seen a lot kim strange things in the Nevada Policy But the idea kim ​​surrender is unthinkable Berkeley. Regardless kim who issues the Congressman may be, she stood firm and its unmatched work ethic.

But the task in question happened to be carrying almost a Sisyphus. Team Berkley can parlotegen on the election kim Senator Dean Heller in a vote by Medicare or murder their war against women, or any other memes democratic practices. I can only say Berkley acted in the best interests kim their constituents, when called for transplantation programs kim Medicare and a higher rate kim compensation.

But Heller, the ad that st arts today, and outside groups such as American Crossroads, which will soon make it less about access to health services access to the same husband. Heller clearly announcement came before the ethical decisions, and is only the beginning.

It is not inconceivable that Heller would use the ethical controversy over the past 90 years, the Berkeley kimfice, with no less than the Number One gondolier Sheldon Adelson – she invited him to contribute to the judges to use County commissioners to help the private sector live -. create a “pattern” kim attacks that only heaps more dirt in the grave

Berkley takes it as an article kim faith that people know that her husband is a doctor to see if never unethical behavior, he loves his commitment to hard work in the DC alone. However, many, many do not.

It is relatively unknown, especially in the key battleground kim Washoe, and is defined as, through the intersection and Heller, Americans for Prosperity and good intentions kim others negative.

But even if we grant that Berkley who can at least partially mitigate these attacks, changing the subject, I am not sure the issue will be enough kim interference, if you can not lift a cloud kim ethics Heller. Dean and clean can be hard to darken.

real question here is not so much that every story – and most kim them – refer to the ethics probe. This is not a level playing field for the start. Specifically:

2008 • 2012

Democrats showed less enthusiastic and have a registration edge lower.

• Dean Heller is Sharron Angle. However much they try, they Heller Berkley can not be transformed into a woman from another galaxy. Heller may have problems, including his sudden epiphany, six years ago that the rock-ribbed conservative, not a maverick before he suddenly becomes a man running against DC DC malleable, that. In another world,

• Finally, Shelley Berkley, not Harry Reid. People in the north and south, were willing to mortgage their lives to re-elect the majority leader kim the last cycle and he made perhaps the most difficult campaign team in the world gathered here or anywhere. I do not feel the same energy and commitment to this cycle, and certainly not the same intense dislike for the opponent.

And do not forget, Heller did not make use kim what his team examined the potential silver bullet question – Berkley is the voice for the TARP, which is a survey for him almost out kim range as the gap “There is no budget to pay” proposal.

So I’m not surprised to be playing endechas Berkley. Death can be a woman walking. Maybe.

we know if the 2012 is 2010. Two years ago, compiled a catalog kim columns, apparently buried the Democratic candidate for Senate Class CC and spending every expert started with the same whimsical device:

“Harry Reid is dead, one in a series from time to time … ”

Las Vegas Sun Stories: Columnists

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