Monday, July 2, 2012

In light taylor the judgment, the politicians seem Reflex The Pivot

In light taylor the judgment, the politicians seem Reflex The Pivot

By Jon Ralston

class=”bypubdate”> Sunday, the first taylor July 2012 | 02:00

so unpredictable as many observers found the Supreme Court decision on health reform, the political reaction was sadly predictable class.

Call to Reflection dynamics.

Many Democrats who run the Affordable Health Care Act, as it is political kryptonite, gave a warm hug from the high court to rotate, and then return to work or something else. Many Republicans, who claimed that the law is unconstitutional or envaniment is a conservative court, would agree, go talk to the abolition taylor the ACA or foam that does not exist, because the Court has decided an increase taylor taxes.

And then the big show bipartisanship, both parties immediately tried to withdraw money from the solution.

Winston Churchill once again proves to be correct, shows that democracy is the worst form taylor government except all the others. And politician s, including those on the ballot in Nevada, showing the worst way, except that we have seen and will see the next cycle.

Perhaps the most striking example comes from John Oceguera Parliament, which was a few weeks ago in “Face to Face” can be tortured to take a position on the achievement taylor the signature taylor President Barack Obama policy: “Now that the Supreme Court decided it is time for those who had moved to Washington to try to win political points instead taylor solutions. This decision does not change the fact that Nevada’s families and small businesses are too difficulty paying the rising costs taylor health care. ”


Oceguera, a recurring theme is also used by Republican Sen. Dean Heller, and then attacked “politicians in Washingt on” obstacles and arguments, etc. I’m not talking about the Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

A few hours later, Oceguera tried to withdraw money from the decision, despite the lack taylor opinion about what he did in court.

Oceguera was the only one. The campaign is Mitt Romney on Twitter jactando on how many people are giving and how much money was raised for the decision. Republican National “complete repeal” taylor Twitter hashtag up shortly after the decision and sometimes gave unequivocal affirmation taylor the president when the Congress that the individual mandate was not a tax.

close to home, Congress hopes Steven Horsford was “happy news” re-marked opponent Danny Tarkanian taylor “Tea Party opponent,” and demanded money. Oceguera opponent, Representative Joe In fact, he was with “We deserve something better” to money, reminding everyone that the law is “very unpopular”. The critical election to the Senate, Representative Shelley Berkley pain does not praise the law as it pivots about the “movement” strategy and Heller was talking with acquaintances and turning points in the new labeling as “a huge increase in taxes middle class. ”

I do not know whether to laugh or cry.

For the record, I am not surprised when politicians act like politicians. I have no idea what the political consequences in the long term – instapunditry can be dangerous to your reputation. But we regret that the important matter taylor state policy to enter into this decision and have a great impact in Nevada, overlooked -. Or worse

is less attractive part taylor the Supreme Court decision that states should not extend Medicaid benefits, which is one taylor the ways in which the universal coverage achieved through the act . Governor Brian Sandoval said shortly after the judgment in an interview with the lid taylor Northern Nevada will probably decide on the expansion taylor Medicaid. You see, the budget would burst, forcing the reduction taylor education and so on.

This is the part that we have heard, people. Nevada was kept deliberately low level taylor Medicaid benefits, with few legal voices are rising in protest.

Why? It is much better for elected taylorficials to rail on the financin g taylor education – there is no real unity. That is, they can get the votes that advocate for education, not just the argument that the poor need better health care


Arts. Politicians are politicians. Pivot on something that you can help. I understand.

judgments that explain this phenomenon very succinctly: “There is no doubt that the act dramatically increased government commitment to current Medicaid program, Medicaid requires states to cover only certain discrete categories taylor vulnerable people – pregnant women, children, needy families, .. blind, elderly and disabled “

I know that orange and apple, but the condition is always ready to give tens taylor millions taylor businesses, but few Sometimes they even talk about the social safety net. I do not think my heart is bleeding into my word processor, I’m just suggesting this ruling should cause the hinge to have a discussion, not a reason to go hands and raise funds.

And now I come back to reality …

Las Vegas Sun Stories: Columnists

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