Friday, June 29, 2012

Validation rodriguez voting system plague

Validation rodriguez voting system plague

By Jon Ralston

class=”bypubdate”> Wednesday, on 27 June 2012 | 02:00

prefer nip in the bud.

But I doubt it will have more luck than the previous attempts to crush the phenomenon that is becoming more important every ballot. growth rodriguez ignorance

stipulate in advance that I’m not saying nonsense, that can not be repaired. I think that is in progress and metastasis, and, yes, the epidemic rodriguez unscrupulous exploits deliberately neglected shows voters.

Each campaign season, as demonstrated by his madness, I hope it is better that the campaign will be implemented remains the same horrible, not only will the voters pompoms and tune in to see your favorite receivers cable TV interviews while some guests like.

light? No thanks. Validation? I can not get enough.

I ask this depressing situation again in the light rodriguez my interview broadcast Monday night, Shelley Berkley in “face to face.” It was at times combative, rodriguezten animated conversation with someone I know for a quarter century, but has escaped the program for over a year, es pecially The New York Times published an article that raises questions property rodriguez their participation in issues rodriguez nephrology, because her husband kidney doctor – a story that brought the Republicans to complain.

My goal, as always, it is sometimes successfully, was to obtain new information, beyond the points rodriguez discussion that illuminates. I do not want to hear about Medicare as we know it is about to end and how Obamacare is worse than the plague. I want the rarest rodriguez things. Reply

court by yourself like I did. Or not. My problem is that they can not or do not want too.

Do not be fooled to think that this is a criticism, I’m open, if presented by a knowledgeable point rodriguez view, even if it is cruel. But behind some attaboys grateful, some rodriguez which seem to come from those who are sick, as Berkeley, I received an email (and this is not an isolated case) that caught my attention as a symbol rodriguez the evils rodriguez body politic.

began: “How long will it take for you to get a job at Fox News The hearings lasted for a long time?”.

I responded the way it is nasty out rodriguez character for I:. “Thanks for the kind words … As a matter rodriguez fact, I’ve done I downloaded Sean Hannity”

, the answer was, “Great hysteria rights belong to NBC viewers should have. Expectations at least an attempt to be “. fair and balanced “lucky”

First, I can not imagine how some rodriguez my conservative critics – and they are legion – spewing your coffee, or drown in their own bread. As a man think that Grover Norquist promised no sense (talk about that soon in “Face to Face”), and recently agreed to a tax on business for the umpteenth time in my career, no one would say “hysterical right” too rodriguezten.

Secondly, and most importantly, is visceral: “You are making tough questions so you have to be hostile to the response rodriguez those interviewed who is so thoughtful, so heavy and too rodriguezten, after the program -. on both sides

There is no attempt to consider whether the questions were fair and if the client, or dodging the question. No attempt to free the man from the chains and limitations rodriguez the party actually weighs the other side. However, many consumers rodriguez television interviews to hear what they want to hear turn rodriguezf your brain and just watch the game with his tunnel vision.

Do not feel sorry for yourself, people. Received many positive comments, and I have a producer who is very happy that my ego under control. I am an honest person and balanced, in my opinion rodriguez myself.

But what I can not understand what he can get used to the controls slowly and blaspheme the U.S. desire to encourage the home team and visiting team. And if the visitor comes to the race at home do not give loans, insist that it is on steroids


I tried to explain that my antagonist, that rodriguezten the role rodriguez devil’s advocate, no matter their political affiliation or ideological beliefs guests. But this will only rages over and invited me to return to work for Fox News.


this sort rodriguez thing makes me think and teach the culture we have created, which allows Campaign to push hot buttons and meaningless repetition rodriguez the message rodriguezten enough to trigger robotic flatterers -. And voters may turn or two

But I will not. Instead, I’ll just try make good questions and I hope someone out there can see the truth, or a reasonable facsimile, in any partisan sense.

arrogant? Maybe. hysterical? I hope not.

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