Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Lawmakers are transparent in their opposition to transparency

Lawmakers are transparent in their opposition to transparency

By Jon Ralston

class=”bypubdate”> Wednesday, June 20, 2012 | 02:00

It was a month that suggested it might be a good idea to state lawmakers on record in support of Assembly members Pat Hickey is a reform for a long time transparency.

relative silence is telling the press. Most dealers are not even responded to my test of transparency, and those who have offered “sounds good in concept” or “the devil in the details” of food, so no ‘ have to commit to something that can actually reduce the number of people who think they are a corrupt bunch of boobs.

This is the definition of insanity. It would be strange, but I am.

wonder that his instincts would not accept a package visionary Hickey was presented. Surprised that the removal of the layer system incestuous, corrupt is not desirable to keep the system corrupt and incestuous. Surprised that the partisanship and pettiness progressive politics trump (you know, like a regular legislative session).

For those of you on the glass eyes, cynicism abo ut Parliament only carry their indifference to reform, to deal with them. Actually, this time will be different. Hope is alive. Trust me. Trust.

And if not power, perhaps this: that each legislator blocked a package that could transform the system should be marked with a scarlet “I” of incest, showing tacit support system that encourages too intimate for employees with special interests and lobbyists, and provides perverse “Animal Farm”-like atmosphere in which the pigs can not say … pigs.

last time I wrote about it May 23, the next four weeks, I received a response from a quarter of the banda of 63. You can see the results here.

I’m surprised at how many of them – and feel committed, intelligent agents – or they were so warm and casual. (. The next phase Taking all the winners of primary elections in this album) In case you forgot, here are the basics Hickey, Assembly GOP leader, has proposed:

• Real time reports of campaign contributions;

• Require candidates to tell how many were on hand after the election;

• Reporting the news of lobbyists and donors who give advice ;

Secretary of State • Empowerment of audit reports and

• cooling-off period for legislators before they can become lobbyists.

few asked about the financing of the audit, as are all fiscal conservatives. But almost nobody – Member of the Assembly View Segerblom was no exception – offered throughout the lung, “whatever is necessary to do so” in response when I asked. The majority admitted to not respond to search terms.

understand. This campaign season. The busy time. Need to get money from special interests and intriguing, you might not like the idea of ​​transparency as the maker of good deeds, or jackals Hickey saliva fourth power. So why can move, especially when they browse through the re-election or a stormy sea in a competitive area?

Bella. But I do not care that easily -. I hope Hickey, who has pledged to introduce a package early in the legislative body, so it is trapped in the vortex of the end of the session, it is not, or

Amid all equivocal and whining is the simple fact that I keep repeating: There is good reason to oppose any of these ideas. Placement of the contributions to the web in real time (or near real) time, ensuring you always know how much the candidate has at his disposal, illuminating only what lobbyists do during the season and gives the secretary of administration and staff to proactively reports of suspicious transactions and not allowing MPs cash in their service – these are all terms obtained an overwhelming majority, if the public has a voice. (Please Banda of 63, do not take this as a threat.)

These ideas are not a showcase. Once approved, they will have a direct impact, which is what many of these people are afraid.

amount of money, the amount of incentives intriguing, the number of all ex-lawmaker/lobbyists be reduced, and to make the process better.

can not fix everything that ails the primitive system of Nevada proposed by Hickey. Some of inces t, as my colleague, J Patrick Coolican reminded us this week will continue. (. Hi, full-time Legislature know, I know -. Topic for another day)

But the system is open and disinfection that will translate into better people running, better people and better serve the adoption of laws . I know you think I’m crazy

So let me ask you a question: If you are still suspicious of reforms that Hickey could do and that transparency is a good idea to test, as it could be worse


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