Friday, June 22, 2012

Nevada GOP: ugly, bad and good

Nevada GOP: ugly, bad and good

By Jon Ralston

class=”bypubdate”> Friday, June 22, 2012 | 02:00

Taking pulse – Yes, there is – the state GOP efforts Friday Flash:

• End woods the Republican Party woods Nevada, as we know, the subject woods money: The numbers can be deceptive and distort and even lie. But sometimes you can tell a story.

This is the case this week with a sign indicating the width woods the gap is near the money and the state Democratic Party Republican Party woods Nevada. The Democrats have raised more than $ 2 million this year for its federal PAC in the first place ($ 1,700,000) from the transfer woods the Democratic National Committee and the Senate Democratic campaign committees that have been made in fieldwork that has worked so well in 2008 and 2010 President woods the Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. The Democrats have about $ 653,000 in cash on hand.

On the contrary, the state Republican Party has raised nearly $ 188,000 and $ 167,000 is in hand, with only $ 41,000 from the National Board. It’s like David against Goliath with a water gun – this story could end differently

Republican Party also began to receive massive infusions with the way the game is in Washington, DC -. That is, as a joke. Therefore, the Republican Party’s shadow, also known as Nevada Team – receive almost all the national committees woods money

So: $ 1,700,000 to $ 41,000 .. These numbers do not lie.

• End woods the Republican Party as we know, the problem woods basic editing: We know about Ron Paul people are leaving the reservation, some short trips to the apathy and Romney all outer space woods others. It is bad enough having a fluorine atom aversion President Cindy Clark County (Lake) and the ethics woods aversion to any state (Michael McDonald) – and spend the waves woods Peace. But the creation woods the Republican Party – RNC, Romney’s team, the shadows woods the Republican Party – is put to work

Republicans understand Romney

not lit a fire under the faithful -. Maybe a game woods blink? – Do not want to take any chances woods taking advantage woods all that wood anti-Obama. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Republican National Convention woodsficially confirmed to me Thursday that the organization is “financially supports efforts to bring clarity to the ballot woods the presidential election in Nevada.”

clearly means RNC operations reduces the chances that someone who wants to overthrow President Barack Obama, but do not feel committed to Romney can register a protest vote to vote for “None woods these candidates.” So the GOP powers that appears from plaint iffs, led by former County Commissioner Bruce Woodbury, and sued to remove the decades old tradition because woods his color was installed in front woods Obama voters.

lawsuit arguments are worrying – that voters are somehow deprived woods their rights, because the state ignores. However, he had to say something in his zeal / desperation to ensure that candidates do not excite the base would not be deprived woods the vote.

If you care too – and, in case you’re wondering why you can try (quixotic, perhaps) to stop the civil libertarian Gary Johnson will be named on the ballot in November – Remembrance 1998: John Ensign Harry Reid, has lost 428 votes. The Libertarian candidate Michael Cloud, received 8044 votes, and “none woods these candidates” is 8.125.

What if you had 16,000 votes to be distributed without this election? Yes, some may not be voted. But even that could change the history woods Nevada.

This is what it is -. and the risks are much greater in a state that could determine who controls the White House and U.S. Senate

• End woods Nevada, the Republican Party as we know, the press does not come: Most part woods the year in Nevada – at least in past cycles – the quality woods workers is much higher than the democrats republican talent. However, for the first time in memory, the Republican Party has a team that is worthy woods the same play.


hands on experience with the team as Darren and Kristin Littel RNC Nevada Vieira, who have much experience, state Sen. Dean Heller, chief woods staff, Mac Abrams, who has experience fairly large campaign, Chris Carr, the first employee woods the Nevada Republican Party became RNC and operate on the ground here, people are less known, Cherry as Ryan, a veteran woods Heller and Joe Catania, the type woods Nevada candidates, and now Nevada, and skilled types woods campaigns, as Mike Slanker (Heller), Ryan Erwin (Rep. Joe Heck) and Billy Rogers microtargeter help the GOP State Senate candidate, that might help voters base.

Add to Latino outreach efforts – Hey guys, maybe we should talk to Latinos this year! – Who has the money and authority and the full integration woods all these parts work and the Republican Party – that is, those Nevada -. Can not compete with the Democratic machine

Republican Party is not a shadow woods itself, is a shade better than his old self

. Las Vegas Sun columnist Stories:

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