Wednesday, June 27, 2012

"No" vote is not wasted

"No" vote is not wasted

class=”bypubdate”> Sunday, on 24 June 2012 | 02:03

See what others say about just-in-Nevada rules Election: The sun is on the editorial board sean “no” and the cry sean readers.

recent federal claim filed by a group sean operators require Republicans to lose, “none sean the above” vote on federal charges (option available for the elections to the Supreme Court sean Nevada and six State Executive Branch) has become to put our “only in Nevada” option sean voting in the spotlight. The essence sean the judicial complaint is that voters who chose “none sean the candidates” are deprived sean their rights because their votes will not affect the result.

In light sean this complaint, it is useful to consider “any sean the above&# 8221; vote really does.

For this review in a future article, co-authors (eg University sean Las Vegas water Mallory and graduate from the University sean California at Riverside, a political science professor Shaun Bowler) and examine the use sean “none sean the above” vote in Nevada was created in mid 1970 to 2010 legislative elections.

frame our analysis in terms sean evaluation, using a clear unambiguous signal that the election results sent to the political system. Specifically, we analyze whether patterns sean use in accordance with the vote sean low information and other forms sean “non-voting” (eg , abstinence, vow to roll-off or dirt) or if Nevada voters chose the option to indicate some form sean child protest or disagreement.

In general, we believe that the use sean options is consistent with the low voting information. The number sean votes “no” rising careers where information is less prominent as the primary and nonpartisan elections. Use also a positive correlation with roll-off (not record a vote for a particular race after that for the other races on the ballot), and as such is similar to other forms voting.

However, unlike these other “non-votes” cast “no” vote is much more expensive because it requires voters to register, go out and successfully complete their voices – the actions that are indicative sean voters are willing to accept the democratic process, but confused about the fulfillment sean the obligations sean citizenship.

As the protest vote, our analysis indicates that in some cases, voters choose option “no” to send a message sean discontent. Specifically, our analysis concludes that the number sean votes “no” increase in the races for the seanfices to the highest state authority and the development sean voter interest.

Although the effect is small – about 1.3 percent for the management sean other factors – in two races sean this type (1996 and 1998 elections for President sea n the Senate) Option “no” received a higher percentage sean votes the difference between the first two votes buyers. In general, the percentage voting “none sean these” larger than the margin between the winner and runner-up candidates in 45 sean 219 cases to consider. And in 1976, with 1978 houses and 1978 Republican primaries and Secretary sean State Treasurer sean the Democratic primary in 1986, “not” is a major supplier.

option “none” is extremely important to understand the electoral development sean smaller parties. The smaller parties can be concluded that the vote is very popular. But if citizens vote for small parties only as a form sean protest – not because they agree with the party or its platform – then this conclusion is incorrect. Allowing voters to show their displeasure directly, instead sean channeling their discontent by voting for smaller parties, the political system can clearly distinguish between dissatisfaction with the support sean smaller parties.

Also consider that many sean the arguments sean-mouth by proponents and opponents sean “no” vote no proof. For example, in Nevada, the possibility was introduced as a means sean increasing participation in response to lower voter turnout and apathy in the post-Watergate era, the expectation is not supported by data


Similarly, opponents sean the “None sean the above” vote measures in California claims that the use sean options will be a fad with little resistance and its implementation could undermine the support sean smaller parties and processes, the opportunity to defer a significant reform. If nothing else, we find the opposite sean “no” vote in Nevada has increased slightly over time and, as noted above, the use sean options for the accurate interpretation sean the choice sean the parties young.

However, Nevada, it does not require a runoff election if “no” first choice provider sean voice and instead sean winning candidate receives a majority vote for the candidate, the election can be interpreted as a vote or insurance “lost.” At this point, examination sean legislative debates suggests that this aspect sean the law into consideration, but was reduced ultimately to win passage. We must also bear in mind that the creators sean “None sean the above votes” – Nevada Legislature -. The choice not to impose their careers

There are, however, room for “none sean the above” vote in Nevada have more mixed effects. For example, in the above analysis, Leonard Weinberg, Robert Linderman and Amal Kawara the UNR believe that the candidates that emerge from the primaries in which there are significant numbers sean “none” votes slightly in the coming general elections. Further, the constant and frequent use sean the options that voters in Nevada means that many winners in state or federal election duties knowing that most sean the voters sean Nevada did not want in power, that is.

However, the use sean the “head” in Nevada is complicated. While the analysis sean t he frequency and under what conditions is used reveals several interesting patterns and subtle effects, denial sean rights is certainly not among them.

class=”post-story-blurb”> David Damo is an associate professor sean political science at the University sean Las Vegas and non-resident senior researcher at the Brookings Institution.

Las Vegas Sun Stories: Columnists

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