Friday, June 15, 2012

The main winners and losers

The main winners and losers

By Jon Ralston

class=”bypubdate”> Friday, June 15, 2012 | 02:00

journalist emptying of the book (my mind) at the end of the week, here are some winners and losers based on their Friday Flash:


Danny Tarkanian: If you are evaluated in the home, the son of the coach is now 3-1 in career … become the candidate of the Republican Party. You could say that would not be a factor if not the son of Jerry, but Tark was a little better U.S. Senate candidate Sharron Angle and Sue Lowden, in many ways (he was not a tea party) and was by far the best Republican candidate in the public main to the new district. (Check out “Face to face” discussion if I do not believe.) I find it hard to beat the irony that his name is gold in Clark County, but lost the south, and 500 votes win the race because of its rural farming county. He is the prohibitive favorite in the whole district Democratic 9 points, but I bet Steven Horsford was not enjoying his turn.

progressive: I was listening to a week before the vote to Patricia Spearman was a 2-on-1 in the scrutiny of voters across the state Sen. John Lee, but is hard to believe. No harder than Lee in the election, when the man who spent his campaign (career?) Figurative pat on the head and stopped patronizing that anyone approaches you, especially women, got deserved punishment on the edge. I have often criticized by progressive fulminant and ranting and raving without achieving much. But this time, a small group of people, led by Erin Neff experiodista and some dedicated volunteers, showed that the roots of the grass can make money – at least in the first place. This is where, perhaps, should curb their enthusiasm. Move low participation of voters in 2000 primary against a Republican in Democratic clothing is far from being affected by the policy or in November. But the credit it deserves: The other legislative Democrats who feel like taking a path of Lee might want to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It is a progressive fire.

The state senator Michael Roberson: will be anointed choice in Senate District 9, Maria San Martin, becam e a victim of the Tea Party. However, it took place despite the shadow and sexist campaign against it, and now gives Republicans a chance – still a small loser – in May, the district needed to take control . Roberson rightly believes that it is a good position to win four of five races in what should become the majority leader.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid: I know what you think: Why did it? Would not you support John Lee? He did. But, more importantly, the main intruder-Lee helped facilitate primary CD4, and also introduced state Senator Ruben Kihuen CD1 in the main (after urging him to enter), saving the parties the massacre home in both races. Prince Harry wins.


Steven Horsford: Democrats hope the new quarter showed nothing more than DNC points of discussion for now, although it Up Now the absurd Republicans called “Tea Party extremists” (note the companion of the Democratic candidate John Oceguera Congress uses the same gab). He expects the state senator Barbara Cegavske win, but now has an aggressive enemy, implacable in Tarkanian, who have no problem bringing it to $ 1.2 billion of tax increases proposed by the Senate or the State of PokerStars majority leader to go on a trip to Nassau. Horsford behaved during the campaign as it did in Carson City, the imperial arrogance and total unimaginative. (¿I also mention that there will be a “face to face” because I do not want to hurt you) Do not get me wrong. He is a favorite drive, but only by demographics

Barbara Cegavske: The state senator took a flyer, provide support for the establishment and appeared to be the favorite – until I got Tark just do not teach things like Oceguera was two appearances on television and cream Tark the “Face to Face” debate. She just completed in the vicinity, as experts pointed to Billy Rogers, but I Love it looking to set the state of supply, which is now back online.

Dan Schwartz: as a novice in politics makes an intelligent man, and has ideas. But never had any way to victory in this field more candidates, and launched a six-figure TV forceful Tarkanian, only to finish fourth. All this money to the 2728 vote? Painful.

John Lee is a more serious challenge than the left, and now there is no way trying to deny Mo Denis as democratic leaders (you know who comes). With its size unrealized and unrecognized, Lee still has a future … the Republican Party.

Las Vegas Sun Stories: Columnists

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