Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dean Heller budget gimmick is silly cynical

Dean Heller budget gimmick is silly cynical

class = “credits”> Steve Marcus

class=”caption”> Senator Dean Heller (R-NV), looks on during the process 9/11 commemoration ceremony at Memorial Park police on Sunday, 11 September, the 2011th

class=”byline”> By Jon Ralston (contact)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 | 02:00

Senator Dean Heller “no pay no budget” dumbest idea of ​​the bill to come in a while.

And perhaps more intelligent.

Heller, who spoke about his stupid temper in the Senate Tuesday proposing a placebo to hide the electorate, cynically exploiting voter anger to advance their own interests, but certainly not the country. As the scenes of an election year to go, this is not enough to call this a gap, because that would mean it is not harmful.

n. This is because it is not designed to fix or improve, but the Barbarians at the Gate, while Heller, hidden inside their Trojan horse “ideas” become DC, but DC

When Heller was first proposed this idea to cut the salaries of Congress if the Senate and House approved a budget, I thought it was obviously a trick that you meet the qualifications of the value of local news cycle. But in the last year, as I’m sure his interviewer said, people were eating the “idea” and so has become more emboldened. “There is no budget to pay” is a symbol of the worst in politics – an empty phrase, without weight or substance. The Democrats are an expert in such madness – they want to “preserve and protect Medicare,” but few have any idea how to do it

Your face, the idea that adherence to their members of Congress reward the best response is ridiculous .. Heller has not known that almost half of the millionaires and the other half probably come near the office? Absolutely.

Yes, many would feel the blow of a couple hundred grand. But if so, why stop at a budget? Why not force them to lose their reward when they vote for a budget that will “end Medicare as we know,” or create a “death board” for the elderly?

Or go further: If Heller is really serious – and it does – why not suggest that if you do not pass the budget that each should give up? I bet the audience goes crazy for this, Senator.

Finally made me rethink this heavy political ploy, Heller was a seven-minute floor speech Tuesday. I was surprised that none of his colleagues was slower.

Senator, that shows no sense of irony, gave this speech as Capraesque that Heller only come to the Capitol, Polyannaish maker of good works that simply can not believe my colleagues are doing .

Heller began to speak of non-coincidence, but as the law is ridiculous to speak a “serious debate about the future of our nation …. The American people do not think today is serious debate. ”


Heller then went on to indirectly insult the majority of the Senate Harry Reid, suggests that inclusion of the 100 Business Club “can be regarded as a political comedy, if the game is not that great.” I think he called you a fool and Senator Reid.

But then Heller went on to indicate their level of self-knowledge is even smaller than I thought.

“is nothing less than a political show,” said Heller, a budget speech and debate, but may be related to the measures he was about to talk about it.

And then, the senator asked, “Have you ever wondered why the Congressional approval rate is so low?”

Actually no, Senator. But I guess I s ay: It is unnecessary because of tricks like this

Heller acknowledged, however, that the law “is not a magic solution.” Really? The way we talk about it …

Legislative truck after discovering that he managed to get 10 – cuéntelo – co-sponsors for his trip to nowhere-bill, I pulled on my calculator is the tenth in the U.S. Senate. Impressive.

Ah, I understand: When the proposed revocation of the counterparts of wages, which will meet to access your account. Therefore, only helps members Heller forward – yes, three-term congressman, former secretary and former Assembly member, not a politician, but a rare bird that rises above the rest of the birds crime political

Sun “Our nation is literally can not afford to survive, sound bites and press releases about the importance of the budget,” concluded the man who sent more than two dozen my news on “The budget payment” from July. (Hey, “unlabeled” accepted!)

As Heller said it would be funny if the stakes not so high. They are, so it is not. In fact, takes advantage of the naivety of the public to get an exorbitant rate (), which has to do with solving the budget crisis.

I’m sure many people reading this will be outraged by what looks like my condescension with the average voter. If so, I have a mitigating news: I have no lack of respect for you Dean Heller

. Las Vegas Sun columnist Stories:

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