Thursday, May 24, 2012

It is time to test a representative of Transparency

It is time to test a representative of Transparency

By Jon Ralston

class=”bypubdate”> Wednesday, May 23, 2012 | 02:00

I have a test for contrast.

pedants or superficial or meaningless. Say: “No new taxes”, or be labeled a waste of money waste. Say: “More money for education,” or be branded an enemy of children.

This is all part of the devolution of political discourse, take advantage of today drapers Do you give what the public is eager to eat – a miraculous alchemy of turning what should be emetic in something that tastes better and is less filling. But both Therefore, a litmus test comes along that really will not turn something about the character of political intent.

thanks to the Assembly Republican leader Pat Hickey, one that we are about to be applied to each legislator to vote, and every candidate who comes from the 12 th June Primaries, who wants to be member number 63 of the banda I call the test of transparency, which reveal how lawmakers and legislators candidates to, think about pulling the curtain on campaign financing and influe nce peddling and will be a window if you want to protect the secrecy of the system or the right to information.

As I wrote on Sunday, the proposals Hickey is long and must be supported by someone who believes it is time to end the institutionalized corruption in Carson City Kabbalah. As the Secretary of State Dean Heller and Miller as Ross is specifically because these reforms are to enter the building, but not legally find their way to the governor’s desk.

It’s time to change that. Or at least try to get the record long before 2013, so when Hickey is a pack a day, can be transferred on Day 2.

I know what I’m lacking sleep. Or live in Polyanna planet. Or dip into my reserves of Glenlivet.

None of the above. What was out of patience with broken systems that inhabit the mediocre will do everything possible to protect the structure built on the foundations of the squalor and the only way out is a revolving door.

really do not care if Hickey is honest – I think – as I do on the fundamental wave of his plan. In case you missed the point, are:

• Reports in real time campaign contributions;

• Require candidates to tell how many were on hand after the election;

> • reported the news of intriguing and donors who give advice;

Secretariat • Empowerment of State to audit reports;

• cooling-off period for legislators before they can become lobbyists.

My guess is that there are a lot of condescending smiles on the faces of legislators and intriguing that they heard these things before and just calculate the challenge is to find a way to kill the idea, probably during the closing rush. Good.

I have a challenge in mind . And that’s why he sent the test of transparency, all Members voted in this series, looking for places in these principles. Long before the hammer comes down in the ’13 session, we know that members of the crew 63 (I will send proof of transparency imposed on non-game winners in major 12 June) will be occupied by institutionalized corruption and that they will not. And, yes, the lack of response or some mouth-floury ” I want to see the written proposal “to” no “votes.

I will post all results on my blog, so I’ll update the list as new sites come If you want an indication of how transparency is like sunlight to vampires that suck blood out of the system, consider what happened when conservative think tank, the NPRI of Nevada Press Association and the issues of these people on similar issues. few employees responded .

I would say that we should be ashamed, but shame is home to 120 days every two years in the state capital. I know some Democrats are back due to stupid Hickey said the ethical failures of democracy during his press conference on Monday. But I have three words for them: Get over it. And if Hickey and Republicans want to upload your high horse theft policy, I have five words for them . Jim Gibbons and John Ensign

I know how difficult it is to get voters interested in this issue, which is what those in power bank. So I do what the consultants tell candidates that make the its empty sound bites to ensure the least idea sink in vacuum:

keep talking about it again and again, until we know that passes the test of fire and conducive to corruption.

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