Friday, May 4, 2012

Michael McDonald is a city becomes more and more curious

Michael McDonald is a city becomes more and more curious

By Jon Ralston

class=”bypubdate”> Friday, the fourth of May 2012 | 02:00

No money. He has no experience. All Michael McDonald is one of the sweetest deals of the evolutionary history of the local authorities.

When you win, no-risk contract with Las Vegas, perhaps foreshadowing “We love corporate welfare” of the wood this weekend at the state convention of the Republican Party chairman (and former councilors from Las Vegas) McDonald signed.

I know what you think: is the city actually sign a contract? Who knew that the formal Roundheels say?

However, despite having no experience in the development of extensive experience in the juice, McDonald scored a deal that includes $ 4 million in funds from the City only Bob Coffin opposition. But he had to sign a paper saying that when the contract was executed with the city for the country, had reached nearly $ 140,000.

I was curious where McDonald could get to a difficult brief, which appeared after less than two years before the bankruptcy, his house was saved only tha nks to the generosity of the Walters developer / player Billy, who bought all of McDonald’s house in a short sale and exregidors grateful stay. But where to get this many McDonald, said that the contract was paid “to the execution of leases of land in the city …”

It is not. McDonald did not provide verification when he came to the City Council this week to sign documents. I guess his eyes and head are fine with Goodman II Council.

Unfortunately, some employees may be considered annoying new partner must follow the agreement. “So now, if not paid, the city attorney will review the situation,” said city spokesman said Wednesday afternoon.

A few hours after it went public this situation, at 5:43 pm on Wednesday, I saw the bill), McDonald came to the office of economic development and left a check for $ 141,692.81 . Paid in full.

But not McDonald.

This is where the story gets interesting: McDonald, when he made his co urt before his Council, presented the man defeated in the race for council for 17 years as his “assistant” – or more no less than Frank Hawkins, who had success with affordable housing projects in Las Vegas and is clearly led by McDonald for credibility. That is, he has built something. McDonald, not both

Hawkins told the council that he was just a “consultant” and can invest in the development stages in the future.

In fact, the contract is signed twice in two McDonald LLC, a call-Vegas1 Decatur (city) Ltd and others were asked to fight in Ireland (as the developer is a fan of Notre Dame).

According to the publication, provided that no other investors in McDonald LLC. Only him.

The two organizations were formed in February, according to Secretary of State. However, no McDonald will deliver the check to the city late at night.

Check out the National Construction Providers Inc, located in Reno. Yes, not in Las Vegas and Atlanta, or even anywhere near South Bend. Reno.

Why? Again, the site offers an emergency response at hand. The company president Luther Mack, a well known businessman, northern Nevada, and its director, Frank Hawkins.

You know, the “advisor” who was in charge of the hearing, McDonald, who is now in charge of the money to ensure their good treatment becomes sour. I think we all have to thank to all Reno to Las Vegas with economic development. Very generous of our northern brothers, no?

Apparently, there is nothing illegal in this transaction, and the only real thorn McDonald would have paid in full when the contract was executed, or that it agreed to pay the money, not a “consultant”. But if you believe there are some people healthy and sober on Stewart Avenue in those days, must be wondering why the Council came out of his way to lavish $ 4 million to the recently bankrupt man who has never built anything in his life and is funded by the Reno-based work that his “advisor” directs.

We like to call: This is the draft Hawkins – presented to the Council, and he was, and while federal aid coming to the city, the money behind it, too

remains unclear. If you really need two McDonald LLC, and if there are other investors in these companies, why should Hawkins? Why not a city signed an agreement with Hawkins in his place?

I’m still trying to figure out exactly what McDonald’s has earned $ 4 million of taxpayers money in Las Vegas.

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