Monday, April 30, 2012

Sandoval is on the right track, although he does not say what

Sandoval is on the right track, although he does not say what

By Jon Ralston

class=”bypubdate”> Sunday, April 29, 2012 | 02:01

Governor Brian Sandoval conservative?



After a talk with the governor last week in Sunny “Face to Face”, after hearing both sides on whether militant met with the conservative litmus test, I realize that it is a perfect example of someone who has shown that gap even misleading labels can be political. It is so easy and pointless to label someone – or yourself – as a conservative or liberal, as pro-tax or no tax actor. But as he pressed the governor on his right wing critics put him in the pillory for the extension of this tax and to establish a tax collection agreement with Amazon, were known as really think that has nothing to do with the conservative / liberal, or even a split Republican / Democrat:

“I am the president of this country,” said the governor, giving a window to reality Sandoval, Brian and not one that is crazy made “no more taxes” mantra that is on the right side of the Leviathan called Jim Gibbons in the 2010 gubernatorial primary, and that is analyzing the meaning of what is a “tax” is the day today.

If Sandoval were serious it would be Eddie Haskell – but if so, almost nobody, except the nasty left doubting their sincerity, dedication and work ethic. However, his insistence on consistency, so blind when it undertakes no duty to invite inconsistency and its commitment to the conservative label, when he lost a lot of sense here in Washington, is the constriction His long term goal of creating vibrant and mature state than it was.

as any other politician, Sandoval wants to be seen, as is champagne in the same positions throughout his career. However, for the knee flexion in the non-tax non-contingent in 2010, was able to escape the prison of their decisions – and indeed the rhetoric own submarine with every decision. Specifically:

; • Sunrise in 2011: Sandoval is the case even smaller, said he believed lawmakers move to extend the tax due equals tax increases and therefore violate his promise. However, after the decision of the Supreme Court of the state threatens to half a billion dollars in its budget, Sandoval agreed that what is defined as increased taxes and extend the sunset single call.

; • Sunrise-2012: The governor announced last month, and there is no perspective of the individual cuts to education, but he announced that he planned to extend the sunset one again gets 2013th Again, by their very definition above, it is a tax increase, but Sandoval has changed his swing to say, as did a “face to face” last week “The nevadenses not pay a penny more tax than the day I took office.”

Amazon • 2012: Last week, Sandoval announced a deal with Web retailer to collect sales tax from customers in Nevada. Governor says ridiculously program “is not a new tax, ” under the theory that people could pay for it in the form of tax demands of the state. We. We should mention, also makes obsolete the state of Nevada does not pay more taxes because they took office – maybe I should start by saying (after the entry into force), “Nevada is not that Amazon is not using the same taxes when I take office. “

I think Sandoval made a reasoned and accurate to call all three of these decisions. But he was forced to explain in the context of the promise was made two years ago against the backdrop of The Wailers conservatives who demand loyalty Norquistian, with deviations ranging from expulsion from the Conservative Club.

Sandoval in the explanations so easily deconstructed. And in “Face to Face”, which even tried to suggest that the decision of the court began to unravel all this will change “the way they are laid before the Legislature,” knowing full well that the Authority has plans spending, often with entatxonat stratagems high court is now outlawed.

discussion of pragmatism over ideology reminds me of 1988 when the Democratic presidential candidate Michael Dukakis ran for the first and lost to George W. Bush, who led the last. Once elected, Bush showed his fans to read lips skills are deficient, as the tax revenue because, like many before a nd after (including Sandoval) found that circumstances change and often makes the campaign silly promises in operation.

programs, Sandoval reiterated one of his favorite aphorisms: “If I’m nice to everyone, I’m lying to someone.” It’s true. But he follows his own advice.

If you start listening to yourself and stop trying to please all, squeezing everything he has done in the framework that simply does not hold, may begin to tell the truth about what he do and he knows what to do.

That would be quite conservative.

Friday, April 27, 2012

The past is prologue to the state Republican convention?

The past is prologue to the state Republican convention?

By Jon Ralston

class=”bypubdate”> Friday, April 27, 2012 | 02:01

So I do not like parties of the Convention does not go smoothly.

Just as the state Republican convention threatens a week so I wonder if it is possible to repeat the chaos of 2008, when President Sue Lowden and conventions, Bob Beers was demolished the house, because people in the Ron Paul was locked in the grooves of the national delegates.

That consummation devoutly wished Tis some -. though certainly not for me

Paul people are more organized than four years ago, despite the poor results of the good doctor club (third, 19 percent), after all the hype is a little weird. However, Member States have led the Executive Committee, elected by a considerable number of delegates at Confab Sparks. And now this, from the national campaign led by Carl Bunce Paul calls on his people the prospect Mitt Romney Delegates.

“I fear we will continue to call until I finally sent some kind of response suggest that you say will support Mitt Romney on the subject and attended a national convention on the subject of the second These responses were gives a false sense of power in the process to move forward. ”

I thought the presidential race was over. Not in Nevada. Nobody paulistas. (Full text of the letter was published here Bunce Barnett Sun)

As much as I see it, people are trying to make the intention of Peace in 2012 is almost 2008 – kidnapped by the delegation of the national convention. Although the Republican National Committee rules require that the Nevada delegation voted in proportion to the results of the club – Romney won 14 delegates from five of Pablo – No rules apply to acolytes of Texas congressman

It seems that would be pyrrhic victory, perhaps with emphasis photo of Paul? in circles like a crazy uncle in the Republican Party. However, candidates are likely not to alienate the legions of flatterers Peace.

Team Romney sent a letter to all delegates at the national convention, trying to build the necessary votes for Paul powerful wave. “It is clear that now is the time to join the Republicans to beat Barack Obama in the fall! Participating State Convention is very important to support the efforts of the Republican Party at a time, Nevada, red. Need your voice and your support at the convention, “Romney state director Sarah Nelson wrote.

My guess is that most delegates Peace and delete the email immediately. But maybe I’m too cynical. Or accomplice.

In fact, I see the chaos caused in this case, dedicated.

I’m sure that will happen only by the new Republican Party chairman, Michael McDonald, who will oversee the fifth convent ion in May, is essentially an honorable person Ron Paul. Close allies, David Jesse Isbell and the Law – Paul boys. Bunce signed an agreement on the list of McDonald. And Paul James Smack, the predecessor of McDonald, passed by McDonald. Oh, and the Romney campaign ran out of the chair of your choice.

none of this can be good for team Romney. But certainly I see occurring sparks in Sparks.

• Punishing legal theft: Congratulations to the Las Vegas Review-Journal and Nevada Press Association of Supreme Court petition filed amicus curiae in the attack on the decency to be committed by a lawyer of a Hard Jeff insurance and Guinness, which is demanded by investors and alteration of the FBI monitoring. Guinness attorney John Bailey, has asked the Supremes to allow the power of the nobility, my “Face to Face”, the producer and painfully honest person and a journalist, to respond when it began to be damaged in article Cover Guinness. Thus, the protection of legal documents, Bailey was a pretext for questioning the nobility, who could easily refute all the accusations can not be proved tenuous (because they are false). But Gentry will not allow this kind of tactics being used by insurgents against others – and the NPA and RJ get a potential precedent that could be set if the judges do not block the use of foul tactics Bailey

issues including protection. incorporated in Nevada Protection Act and the adjustment of the First Amendment, “raises important legal questions involving the public interest,” wrote attorney Maggie McLetchie asked the court to allow reports to be filed amicus curiae.

talking about penalties, anyone who wonders how lawyers can charge a fortune for the filing of frivolous motions and similar destructive Joe McCarthy, not to promote the interests of its customers one iota, and that would be defamatory in any other area, except in the courtroom?

Las Vegas Stories of the Sun columnist

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Nevada Republicans light the fuse of self-destruction

Nevada Republicans light the fuse of self-destruction

By Jon Ralston

class=”bypubdate”> Wednesday, April 25, 2012 | 02:00

If you do not know Also, I would say that there was no land in the work of the Democratic Party.

Prince Harry really that Machiavellian? It can really manipulate the left wing for what? There is a mole at the top of the Republican Party in Nevada?

How can a rise of Michael J. McDonald chaired the state Republican Party to tell? Where is Allen Funt? Or Ashton Kutcher?

Republicans, Democrats hit by a critical event in the last two cycles have a reasonable chance of winning a state, Mitt Romney, John Ensign expects the Senate seat, and take the legislative power in the upper chamber . A glue that holds together – the man accused of raising money, attacking the Democrats and Republicans articulation of principles – a former policeman and Laughlin strip club lobbyist found guilty of ethical violations, and two tracks of the fragrant offering City land rebelled everyone (except those in high Roundheels Stewart Avenue), including a conservative think t ank said Tuesday.

Come on, people. Must be a joke.

No one can benefit from the rise of McDonald in this important position, but Democrats and the Fourth Branch – Team Romney stayed on the sidelines of the vote last week, and so is the Republican Party elected to the elite – and this is my reason to doubt sparked new President was part of an elaborate and entertaining comedy or a ground of opposition. (I wonder if any of the Republican Party elected officials to speak with him without asking if he takes a cable. He has done this before.)

Maybe state Sen. Michael Roberson was joking when he wrote a certificate of recommendation McDonald, speaking “Michael can also be the only person who can truly unite the various factions of the state central committee.”

factions unite Central Committee! This is a good stand-up comic, Senator.

Who cares if it is capable of several hundred people gathered in the central committee of the party? T hey have nothing to do with whether Romney will be Sen. Dean Heller of Nevada can be overcome Representative Shelley Berkley and Roberson may become the majority leader.

You know you can make a difference? The president, who could raise money and be a powerful spokesman for the party.

McDonald can do anything. He said that risiblemente million collected by the city council of the splendor of its credibility. So what?

Sheldon Adelson

can give $ 21,500,000 to his friend, Newt Gingrich. But I do not think gondolier Number One will not believe McDonald ethics challenged with their money?


What is an eloquent spokesperson for the cause, McDonald, shortly before becoming president last week, said during the podcast that “good argument” for the red light district in downtown Las Vegas. It also pledged not to “face to face” to support the position of governor, because Roberson did not extend this tax, accusing the head of the head of the party do not communicate well why he took this position.

Come on, Mr. President. Take off the mask. It’s really, Harry Reid, a member of staff?

I want all of you – especially Governor Sandoval, Heller Senator and Representative Joe Heck – I guess that is October. CNN is here. Fox and MSNBC, too. You turn on the television to hear “, join us now, the president of the Nevada Republican Party, Michae l McDonald.”


A. Ore.

B. Keep breathing


Nevada Policy Research Institute, said Tuesday the pavement: “You just can not invent these things.” conservative think tank spoke about the business of the last juice McDonald ‘s City Council, with NPRI correctly pointing out that McDonald pattern of questionable behavior. In fact, McDonald was thrown out of office almost 11 years after the State Ethics Commission found a “their loyalty to their employers are motivated to help (in his head the private sector) in an attempt to overcome the difficult financial situation with access to staff and other members of City Council (usually a member of the audience would not), and pressure to adopt measures that benefit (head), and both himself …. There was absolutely no evidence that the action of the directors McDonald spreads … It was a good financial offer for the city of Las Vegas in the public interest. ”

Some things do not change. The neutral exregidors history when it comes to assaulting the Democrats on anything. McDonald is not only flawed messaging, which is fatally wrong messenger

. Michael McDonald

might be right in saying that no one paid any attention to it, that will unite the party and will result in the overwhelming victory of the Republican Party in November. Or perhaps, as Michael McDonald also said once, that’s what a fool believes.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Speaking of franchises spring day

Speaking of franchises spring day

Bruce Spotleson class = “caption”> Bruce Spotleson

Although usually short in the desert, is the spring year period in which the dream is a constant threat to productivity. Regardless of the activity carried out on a perfect spring day can get your mind rambles about things that I would not work.

Some people imagine the potential for home, hobby or other leisure activity that they were considering. And some of us dream of a little company of ours.

It was a perfect spring day, when I fell into a franchise business in Nevada, located in the handle cilia sponsored by the law firm of Armstrong Teasdale.

I’m dreaming at the time, but especially curious about those industrious types who turn their vision into reality.

There are several franchises on his arm, but leans towards the fulfillment of franchises – ie, companies that make the other the right to operate a place apart in the name of your company and use their brand and their products in exchange for a fee.

fast food companies are often examples of franchises, but not all, and it was obvious that the representation of industry in the event.

panel are local, Debbie Shwetz, CEO of Bundt cakes anything that produces irresistible baked goods, and CEO Fred Hassen and Alfredo Rivera, president of Sit Means Sit, which offers technical training dog for many people too quickly, efficiently and effectively. The two companies began in Las Vegas, and to provide infrastructure support to dealers throughout the United States.

The lawyer Matthew Kreutzer, who knows these things were educated about the franchise, something that I knew very little, because my dream is generally other things. It is also useful to have Vinnie Manendo table companions and Ed Williams, co-founder of the Nevada Insurance, which started in the previous decade and which began to give concessions for four years.

Manendo said her company offers training to start a franchise and license. But the real challenge is finding the right peo ple to become franchisees in the first place. His philosophy is looking for people accustomed to hard work.

“is not really for everyone,” he said.

Sit Means Sit franchise started in 2009 and has over 50 sites, which apparently makes it the largest company based dog training ever.

Las Vegas company began franchising enough after watching other people use your system without mentioning him by giving him the prize.

“At first we feared that the water in our name,” recalled Rivera. Although the initial goal was 20 franchises, which blew past that in the first year, and now has 57 years, maintaining its level intact.

Nothing Bundt Cakes, which began in the kitchens of some houses in Las Vegas in 1997, also has experienced meteoric growth and now has 60 seats. It was not the original plan, but neither is a harsh reality to find people who share a commitment with the owner.

“We thought we were going to grow the business, bu t a proposal is very expensive,” said Shwetz. So after struggling to recruit staff who share their passion and dedication, became the solution. Franchises

“Investing in a franchise concept”, ie they are truly on board, he said.

“We have a simple concept, but has a lot to him,” he said. “There is a big learning curve.”

She said that success begins to pick up the right partners in the first place. Even profiling techniques were used to select them.

“We are looking for sales staff and marketing,” he said. “We’re not looking for people who want to cook. We can learn to cook.”

Hassen has emphasized the importance of choosing the right people “business as a franchise.

These days, Shwetz says it’s actually more of a” brand manager “of the entities operational, and its focus is more on new initiatives and products, and less on daily operations.

“is really a big growth market,” said she, and she finds pleasure and see the brand grow and establish relationships with partners across the U.S..

“ They are people with dreams, and select your concept to achieve their goals,” he said.

The lunch I learned in an afternoon spring. only daydreaming.

Vegas Sun Stories: Columnists

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The teachers and taxpayers

The teachers and taxpayers

Class =

Andrew Slocum, a teacher at the high school Greenspun, CCSD does not endanger the honor of increases in education under the new contract, the judgment of the court, on Tuesday, the 16th April, 2012. He will be stuck with $ 10,000 in student loans to an additional certificate, if the district wins his arbitration battle with its teachers’ union.

class=”bypubdate”> Sunday, April 22, 2012 | 02:00 am Andy, the subject of the article. Only a few things I’d like to clarify for those who seem to confuse my concern: I am angry about how much money I make, and I can not cry poverty. I’m angry because he did believe that I was fairly compensate you invest $ 10,000 in the CCSD continues to encourage me to be. This is clearly expressed in Article 26-23 of my ugovora.Čini is pretty incredible to me that the School District had no idea it would not be able to maintain its final negotiation, especially at a time to invest huge amou nts of money on things that are much smaller impact on the quality of education students. However, the district continues to fund a lot of initiatives, such as a new framework of academic achievement, service centers and areas of common core of state standards and the excessive levels of administration at a time , claim that they have enough money to pay people who are crazy for real razliku.Nisam much money I earn, I’m mad that the district apparently losing precious taxpayer dollars on initiatives that have little impact on overall quality of education students. The quality of teachers of equal quality. Five stars and iPads will not – Writist2

history of the Sun. “Salaries of teachers in higher education can only face pay cut,” focuses on Clark County School District dispute with the teachers’ union in terms of the contract that provides raises for teachers who have completed the program continuing education. Andrew Slocum, middle school librarian, complained that he spent almost $ 10,000 to complete the program and now I can see their selection revoked, leaving him still in debt. The story generated over 170 comments. Here’s a sample of them:

training to help the high school library for a better deal for students?

The question is why should not brag, but why is this process to begin?

pay for a masters degree in history may make sense to college, pay teachers more for each certificate can accumulate to follow the teaching of mathematics in third grade is ridiculous. Three plus three has not changed since it was founded this country. It aims to be changed is the problem.

– neiman1

• • •
Investing DJ in the understanding and experience may seem a waste of money, will probably leave in this way of Las Vegas


classic bait and switch is just a part of this tragedy. Greater loss than the contraction in progress under the failure of individuals are guaranteed by the way -. The exodus of teachers, the inability to attract qualified staff and accidents in the classroom for eternity

– airweare (Joe Lamy)

• • •
Thu agreement is a contract, a legal and binding instrument. Those who are employed under certain conditions in their contracts should not expect that these conditions are respected!

Now change the contract, then they were not parties to the agreement must be signed under a new contract to reflect changes. Should be aware of the differences between them, and consider whether you are willing to comply with these terms. …

the message is sent when people feel that public institutions can open breach of employment contract?

– staralioflundnv (Star Mistriel But Kogan-)

• • •
Sun Slocum situation is a sad song played in a lot of houses. We are all under water, which had paid all the losses because no money is earned and promised wage increases, the current salary does not keep up with the additional cost of living for anyone. Slocum is supposed to feel sorry, because I am, technically, your employer? Well, I did. I’m sorry for all of us in this economy.

It is part of a series Heartstring-pulling story about the economic crisis? If so, I hope you are raised in a non-public. We can not pay more when we do not have money for their own teachers.

– Kafbst (Kathleen Worthington)

• • •
Sun When taxpayers are continually asked for more money to education and constantly when told not hesitate in taking care of our children, then we know that it is money for teachers, administrators and staff benefits package. After all, millions of people with advanced education and skills are still alive and productive today after passing through the system without air conditioning, high-tech training and visual aids, no recent books, there have computer labs, a library and taught by strong teachers who are paid less, even in today’s dollars.

Yes, I understand the disappointment in the plans they go wrong and the inconvenience this may cause, but let’s not pretend that this is the level of wages and compensation, the world will collapse if not all jump up and down while these people get what they think they deserve. If so, I offer a list of people who work more, earn less and less buzz must have privileges of the head-of-th e-line.

– BRONZE (Dale Swanson)

• • •
Professors DJ offer a quarter of the “status quo” agreement, except for increases in education . The municipality did not accept. Teachers are the classes with the understanding that, under the legal document (contract), paid for it.

Union not dig, because we care about our students and we all want to be rich. We cut, because we do not believe CCSD Dwight Jones and we have money. We gave concessions three years, and we were ready to do it in fourth place. It is a region that gets it, people.

– jzetzman (Jon Zetzman)

• • •
Sun How to attract high-tech jobs to diversify the economy, if you have a good education system? When was the last time that parents speak with their children about the importance of education? Parents know the names of the teachers of their children? Parents know the difference between a diploma and a certificate of participation? Remember a few years ago, when CCSD is having difficulty hiring teachers to cover all the new schools were built as the population boom? What would attract teachers to reach CCSD now?

– Tanker1975

• • •
Sun Why people think it is good for CCSD not fulfill the contract? People who think this is good is probably the same people who cry out against those who were under water at home and chose to walk, and do not fulfill their contracts.

When I have a contract with someone, I hope to be respected. If taxes must be raised, and then raise them. No promises and then walk.

– Judy

• • •
pay for level of education of the concept of public sector Thurs This is a measure of poor performance.

– rusty57

• • •
Thu’ve never understand this “hole”. I had a neighbor who took lessons from “Midnight University” because it allowed him to dominate, which in turn allowed him to earn more money.

Why not make gradual increases?

– Heretic

• • •
Thu One commentator said: “The sad part is that teachers are undervalued in society.”

saddest of our economic pie has shrunk, causing 12000000-14000000 Americans who are unemployed, and the teachers are trying to grab a bigger slice of the economic pie. We have 17 percent less of declaring tax in 2007, compared with only 58.5 percent of the U.S. population is, compared with 63 percent of total employment in 2007. With so many unemployed, I have no sympathy for someone who earns $ 60,000 a year with great advantages in comparison with the private sector, including the days off work. Neither one. Zip. Hope.

– RefNV (RE Freeman)

• • •
Sun can not be my place to say, but did not have enough problems as Andrew Slocum single library. In his 14 years in the valley, who taught science, English, and has served as yearbook and newspaper adviser for the secondary schools of lesser rank. He gave very many students in many ways surprising.

– Solar7

Las Vegas Sun: Stories Columnists

Friday, April 20, 2012

Reid says Berkley, and not with NV Energy

Reid says Berkley, and not with NV Energy

By Jon Ralston

class=”bypubdate”> Friday, April 20, 2012 | 02:00

We Ever is doubtful that the majority of the Senate Harry Reid, the leader can say enough sharpness in an interview 15 minutes to fill the entire column

I, so here is his words, not, Harry inflammation Friday:

• Do not worry, be happy with Shelley: In this week’s appearances “Nevada Newsmakers”, organized by entrepreneur Sam Shad and Ray the Reno Gazette-Journal Agar, Reid to face tough questions about their immediate favorite senatorial candidate, Representative Shelley Berkley.

Agar when Reid asked if Berkeley can survive an investigation of his alleged commitment to the interests of her husband by the Ethics Committee of the House, replied: “Absolutely … people understand the different qualities of the candidates. ”

listen to this, Senator Dean Heller, a lower quality?

When the lid jumped out and asked about the issue of ethics raised in the last 90 years, working for the Number One gondolier Sheldon Adelson, Reid gave him a smile and her trademark said: “The situation (Adelson) is a passenger less than they had. It has nothing to do with ethics. They simply could not be.”

There was no follow up.

So, if it is true that Adelson and decreased Berkley, Reid will never be confused with the biographer Robert Caro appreciated when it comes to history, as Reid was left as a serious problem.

Reid may be entitled to Berkley can overcome the problems – even if the ethics panel means, is potentially fatal and Heller to use all somehow

• Restore Energy NV. Friendship: I thought that after Reid said that several years ago to “face to face,” the coal power plant ever built cottages are not – not – and that had no fences recommended. Maybe not.

“Nevada Newsmakers” said Reid, talked with Gov. Brian Sandoval, NV Energy is not doing enough to renewable energy sources, which “should be able to do more.” And that, as Cy Ryan Sun first reported, “I do not think that NV Energy has done enough to bring renewable energy to flourish.”

Reid mocked the usefulness of blaming power purchase contracts and added that he spoke with members of the Public Utility Commission of how he thinks “they (the utility) to do more.”

When I saw that when I was astonished. Is a U.S. Senator has tried to interfere with the process of recognition of state regulation?

No, no, said his spokeswoman Kristen Orthman, “not interfere wit h the process of state regulations, but worried about a slowdown in new projects, and trying to get more clarity.” Ah. I bet the most powerful man in the country that is clear as crystal.

The company is quick to point out the “Nevada” Newsmakers segment that has met the standards of state renewable portfolio (15 percent in 2011) – 16.7 percent in the South and 24.9 percent in the north. But this is not enough for Reid, Orthman I said.

“It is good that NV Energy has finally complied with the state RPS for last year, but Senator Reid is not a problem for a company that meets the legal minimum to open your concern is about creation of jobs in this important fast growing industry with huge natural Nevada renewable energy sources. ”

Oh yes, all these jobs. Five in the city of Boulder in the President visited the plant, I think.

Reid also tried to discuss a program that solar energy is expensive, is provable, but ratcheted la ter in the interview said: “Every day that passes, the ability to produce solar energy cheaper . ”

This is a problem with the arguments of the democrats in renewable energy – play the ball long when some statistics not direct backups, the number of jobs were not very large and scandals (Solyndra) will

Reality. Nevada is – here is sunny most of the time – should be an exporter of energy, which will be an economic booster -. “Clean energy / hub leader,” what is called Orthman

However, the job creator? Not so much.

Orthman and went on to take the energy company, saying, “provided under the current paradigm of NV Energy, we have some projects for new versions of 10 years (until 2022), which pulling the rug from under the net energy in Nevada. ”

, having learned from experience, wisely refused to be the senator directly. Who knows what could stop the project now? OR CAN I say blog?

I was a kid. Seriously. I have a child.

• Slow train to … West: There is a subtle but perceptible change in the rounds of the draft DesertXpress Reid, I called the train to Victorville. Reid rejected the technology of magnetic levitation, and then said that dialogue should be less of Nevada, California, legs, and more on high-speed rail network across the West.

critical levitate.

Las Vegas Sun Storie s Columnist:

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Are you getting your money's worth when it comes to federal spending?

Are you getting your money's worth when it comes to federal spending?

class=”bypubdate”> Wednesday, April 18, 2012 | 02:00

How long must this year to meet their tax obligations federal, state and local governments

takes Americans an average of 100 days to achieve the “tax freedom” day when finally freed from the tax and were able to retain a portion of money they earn for themselves and their families. This year, the Tax Freedom Day in Nevada countries today -. 18 April

This is the Tax Foundation, a nonpartisan research organization in Washington, DC, that studies fiscal policy. Each year the Tax Foundation calculates the number of Americans pay federal taxes, state and local, and then use this calculation to determine how many Americans have to work just to pay their tax burdens.

Do not be surprised to learn that the tax Freedom Day, with time, increasingly falling late in the calendar. In 1930, the Americans have won their freedom from taxes for 12 February, since then, the deadline has slipped more and more in March and April, and at least one year (2000) until 1 May. (In recent years, the Tax Freedom Day has changed a few days or weeks before or after, depending on the wider economic circumstances.)

so that you know how much you will pay taxes and how long takes to satisfy their annual tax obligation. The next question is, is it safe to send money to Washington is spent wisely and well? View Image federal spending does not inspire confidence in how our taxpayer dollars are being processed.

Consider two of the most frequently mentioned issues related to the Federal Budget: The national debt and federal budget deficit. Currently, the national debt was reported at a staggering sum of $ 15.6 trillion. Meanwhile, the federal budget deficit for this fiscal year is anticipated at $ 1.2 billion, according to the Congressional Budget Office. Budget

Consider President Barack Obama for the next fiscal year will reduce the numbers for the size? Back. At most, the president’s budget will slow the growth of spending in different areas, allowing the debt continues to mount in coming years. Registration

Obama administration’s abysmal deficit spending, but we can not throw all the blame at his feet. In recent years, both sides showed a lamentable lack of will to confront the urgent need to bring federal spending under control. When you consider that most of the growth in the federal budget is divided into four categories: defense, social security, Medicare and Medicaid – to recognize that it is areas in which Washington leaders are reluctant to control the spending

Done. That is, our current level of spending is unsustainable and many Americans rightly fear the unbridled spending more to hurt than help the economy. Recent survey conducted by public announcement, the organization I head, found a solid majority of 56 percent of respondents felt that the size of federal government spending and affecting economic growth. Moreover, a total of two-thirds expressed concern about the size of public debt and its impact on the economy.

These taxpayers probably secured the commitment of Washington, was led by Republicans or Democrats, to get federal spending under control.

Some people say, citing a Supreme Court Oliver Wendell Holmes, “that taxes are the price we pay for civilization.” This may be true, but ignores the important question of how taxes have to weigh the cost to taxpayers can be reasonably expected to send money to the government spend wisely.

After all, most Americans do not like paying taxes, but unde rstands that the government needs revenue to provide basic services.

acknowledge that they are preparing taxes to fund roads and the public education system and the judicial system that administers justice. Taxes pay the salaries of firemen and policemen who keep our communities safe, and men and women in the U.S. Army is ready to protect our people. Few taxpayers complain that government expenditure is reasonable and compatible with the common good.

But the Americans are growing increasingly aware of the gap between these essential services and the huge amounts of pipe pork, waste, duplication and fraud that characterized much of the government budget . Freedom Tax Day is the perfect time to draw attention to this and to remind taxpayers should expect more from their elected officials.

class=”post-story-blurb”> Gretchen Hamel is the executive director of public notice, nonpartisan group, non-profit organization focused on the economy and how gover nment policy affects the U.S. Americans financially.

Outraged, indignant that people were having fun in Las Vegas

Outraged, indignant that people were having fun in Las Vegas

By Jon Ralston

class=”bypubdate”> Wednesday, April 18, 2012 | 02:00

So, 3.000 miles away, some important people go on and on about what could be a crazy city of Las Vegas and Nevada’s elected officials are … Bitter?

Tyson tiger in the bathroom, tooth loss, or explained anywhere in the room, but the hangover GSA has to be one of the funniest stories without intention to meet occasionally with politicians Nevada play their turns in the perfect comedy.

“The personal attacks in Las Vegas for nothing and have the potential to affect 370,000 employees and their families associated with the No. 1 industry in Southern Nevada,” he snorted Mayor Carolyn Goodman When the scandal of 823,000 dollars of spending spree broke a few weeks ago, doing everything Madeline Kahn.

And this week, Congressman-elect Dina Titus, channeling Goldie Hawn, perhaps, he thundered: “President Obama has acted swiftly to punish those responsible for this apparent misuse of tax dollars, But these debates are nothing more. an attac k in Las Vegas. Republicans in Washington should stop using Las Vegas as hitting the bag to get cheap political points and start working to put Americans back to working. “

We also had Kelvin Atkinson, who happens to chair the Assembly Committee on Commerce, recruited by Democrats to force up the rage for Bill Cosby:” These discussions are just a cheap political trick designed to embarrass Las Vegas, Washington Republicans are playing to the camera and go under a bus to Las Vegas in the process of U.S. President Barack Obama .. was right to dismiss people who oversaw the misuse of tax money and should be commended for that, but Republicans are just using Las Vegas as a support to the owners. “

I need self-esteem when people take a holiday in Las Vegas But this should not be applied to politicians, too.

Leave the majority of the Senate Harry Reid, leader, usually the Robin Williams of the delegation, with the aim of providing some sense, saying: “The Supervisory Authority has nothing to do with Las Vegas has everything to do with stupidity, lack of health. Reason. ”

Yes, spending almost a million dollars of taxpayers’ money to the convention government that are mind readers, hot beds and exercise bike creation is insensitive. But it is also … great job. Especially during the recession.

which does not lend itself to a debate in Congress, where Republicans bloviators trying to sound intelligent by different riffs on “what happens here stays here” and offend the Democrats are conducting hearings.

So roll nerd head pleaded the fifth (!) And everyone from the lowliest congressman Obama looking for a title, anger , and shock … wishing they were parties to the GSA.

People, really ridiculous about this “scandal”.

The Republicans are riding their horses have a high morale is a bit much offended, as if Obama GSA, which is something endemic in this administration that caused this uproar. And now, in directing their horrible “personal attacks” and the poor old Las Vegas.

The Democrats can not simply shrugged this option, you have to do is suggest that partisan Republicans hate the sin city, as if suddenly became the hero of “Memento” and forget that Obama is not (and forgivable that exaggerated influence of the amplifier Goodman), but twice (not forgivable as amnesia presidential accepted disease) called discourage travel to Las Vegas here at the height of the recession . I wrote about it several times, including here and here.

However, as was the ridiculously exaggerated response to those comments, and Obama is running, the sha meless exploitation of workers by the Republican Party, I think the Democrats are not too far. And, as the roll call Meredith Shiner remembers all the history this week, Reid was trying to contain the damage caused by the statements of Obama, who asked government agencies to come and enjoy gifts of sin Las Vegas. Now Reid simply stopped people behave badly here.

I told you it can be fun.

Needless to say it is useless to ask both sides to stop the kabuki – I can read a calendar. But maybe our elected officials defense can not stop that this story has nothing to do with Las Vegas.

It has everything to do with Las Vegas. This is where we want everyone, including government agencies, after a lot of money and act irresponsibly. What if people come here?

The reason why the president called on the city name is the same reason, the GSA came here. When you think of the place people go to have a good time, but who determines that, of Las Vegas comes to mind < /p>

I just hope that nobody in Congress show that there are prostitutes on the Strip or in some teen clubs or night of adultery. However, it would be shameful.

Las Vegas Sun Stories Columnist:

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Eccentricity of Gaza's what's cool - let it be

Eccentricity of Gaza's what's cool - let it be

Anthony Estrada, 7, of Overland Park, Kansas, high-five a man dressed as a television character Homer Simpson in Las Vegas on Sunday 24th July 2011. On the left side of the performers dressed as Super Mario Brothers.

Monday, the 16th April 2012 | 2:00 alt = “Click to enlarge” />

J. Patrick Coolican

Clark County Commission has recently appeared as a committee, “Get Off My Lawn!” recently banned pets in Gaza. And it has thrown some big fines for violations of the house called the house “ordinance that restricts people from using their property as a short term lease, which should save your neighbors trouble raucous parties in the neighborhood.

commission, the recommendations the “working group” of the Strip casino type and county staff, would “clean up the Strip.”

After that, you will move to the eradication of lust and greed.

To be fair Commissioner Steve Sisolak proposed group after spate of five murders in less than two weeks last summer, and he can hardly be blamed for their concern.

And, of course, should always ensure that our most important commercial district is a safe and as no garbage – that is deducted – as much as possible under the circumstances. A constant flow of people and alcohol tends to make a lot of garbage, and sidewalks that are far too narrow in places and lead to a shrinking crowd to imagine that they could be unsafe.

The Task Force is a series of proposals, including more frequent emptying trash cans, increased sidewalk cleaning three or four times a week, adding more police officers and establishing a night court to make a decision quickly strip the common crimes (and serve as Real-life platform for future sitcom / reality show?.)

Some of them are bread-and-butter of management. I can not believe we need a blue ribbon panel to tell us we should not have overflowing cans trash or sticky sidewalks. If the Government can not do the little things, no one will ever trust it to do great things again.

Other proposals are more about, especially civil libertarians who believe that this is another attempt to County long and pointless battle against the First Amendment. This includes setting up “time, place and manner” in some limited First Amendment activities, surveillance cameras,. and commands to prevent people from performing or panhandling on pedestrian bridges

You may despise certain First Amendment practitioners, including me – but it does give you the right to ban us. I’m talking, of course, handbillers disgusting, people who push the card advertising “escort” in the hands of passing tourists, which inevitably throwing cards on the sidewalk.

Kliknite for greater fotografiju

handbiller card runs out in May 2010 for the escort service bar just north of Flamingo Road, outside the Flamingo.

Allen Lichtenstein, general counsel of the ACLU of Nevada, said recently on KNPR’s “State of Nevada” is a sad list of names of counties in the working group and the tenor of the conversation .

“I am litigating this since 1997, attempts to control what is said and passed out on the Strip. I … walking in there after all these years, all the lawsuits, all the money the county spent lose this lawsuit, the group began by saying: ‘How to get rid of these people? “

And now not only handbillers. Also street performers, including the talented musicians and contortionists and less talented people in superhero costumes.

cracking down on unlicensed vendors, such as they sell bottles of water from the refrigerator, the security issue, but I still find it depressing that the crushing of those brave entrepreneurs considered such a priority.

County Commission President Susan Brager, also appears on the same NPR show, concerned about the safety of a street works carried out and the crowd gathered on the narrow sidewalks, which causes people to step into the street to get by. Her concern, she says, cleanliness and safety.

I think we can all live with team. We do not want to scare off tourists flock of cattle on which they depend for economic survival.

Clark County Commission should be cautious, however. And not just to prevent another loss to the ACLU.

Strip is a unique American streetscape is an invaluable asset, because that is viewed by the world. It is a symbol of American freedom, the liberation of dumb, arbitrary rules, our God-given right to be idiots. This is a big reason why people come here – not for the Prada store or an old cook, but because they can do more or less what they want


This is one of the strangest places in America. Let’s keep it that way.

Romney campaigns in Bethel Park, Rebuts Democratic tax claims

Romney campaigns in Bethel Park, Rebuts Democratic tax claims

class = “posted”> Posted: 11:26 pm EDT 17th April 2012 class=”updated”>
Updated: 17:32 EDT 17th April 2012

Mitt Romney sought to give an injection Tuesday against Democratic accusations that he favors the rich, saying that his yet-to-be announced a tax plan will not benefit the well-to-do at the expense of others. “I’ll keep the burden on upper income people are the same as it is today,” said Republican presidential candidate and waiting said the campaign through Pennsylvania on tax day. “I know that the Democrats say it every day,” They are for tax cuts for the rich, “he said, imitating their rivals.” No, ‘”he added firmly.By contrast, Romney said Obama wants to raise taxes, a step Republican, said the job would endanger creation.Unlike Romney and most Republicans, President Bush wants to allow the current-era tax cuts expire at the end of the year for those the upper incomes.As sought to counter Democratic charges inevitable, Romney, and solve other, if unspoken concerns, perceptions that there are problems with establishing the relationship of the middle class voters.To that end, his campaign arranged an outdoor event in the Pittsburgh suburb where wealthy former businessman who became a politician and eight area residents sat around a friendly picnic table and talked about economic issues. LIVE WIRE: Read real-time recap posjetaBio Romney is a fleeting moment of awkwardness when Romney guessed that a plate of cookies on the table were from “local 7-Eleven bakery or something like that,” instead of local businesses, Bethel Bakery.But Jason Thomas, one of the participants, who later told reporters: “I thought it was a nice man … I will personally go on record and say that it does not look as out of touch he is asking us what our relations were, and we tried our best to represent our concerns. concern for our children, and a lot of our friends and family as well. “Romney is the so far provided few details of the ambitious program of tax reform he says he will propose if he wins the White House.He favors all Bush-era tax cuts that are set to expire at the end of the year, and said he wanted to cut rates another 20 percent in the whole board.Romney also said it will reduce or eliminate some common tax breaks used by the rich to some of the revenue that would lost.But he still has a lot to provide additional information, or even to define what he thinks “rich”. In an interview with Tom and others around the picnic table, Romney said that middle-income Americans would benefit from his proposal to eliminate taxes on interest, dividends and capital gains for anyone earning $ 250,000 or less. When another person at the table, Kelly Wassel, expressed concern that $ 5 00 per-child tax credit may expire at the end of the year, his answer sounded like it could allow that to happen. “I actually wanted to reshape the entire tax system, okay, that’s what I want to do, and to simplify the system, as opposed to all these little baby steps …”, as she nodded off without protest.Romney Controversy over the weekend, when he heard tell donors could want to abolish tax breaks for mortgages on second homes, or perhaps do away with the state property and tax deductions for wealthy.For second day in a row, associates sought to dampen the controversy, while avoiding it.On conference call with reporters where surrogates criticizing Obama because he is unclear about its proposals, Rep. John Campbell of California, turned aside a question about possible parallels to Romney. “There are a bunch of choices and there’s a bunch of ideas, and frankly, that some choose to not important at this point,” he said. Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material May not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. – Local News