Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Eccentricity of Gaza's what's cool - let it be

Eccentricity of Gaza's what's cool - let it be

Anthony Estrada, 7, of Overland Park, Kansas, high-five a man dressed as a television character Homer Simpson in Las Vegas on Sunday 24th July 2011. On the left side of the performers dressed as Super Mario Brothers.

Monday, the 16th April 2012 | 2:00 alt = “Click to enlarge” />

J. Patrick Coolican

Clark County Commission has recently appeared as a committee, “Get Off My Lawn!” recently banned pets in Gaza. And it has thrown some big fines for violations of the house called the house “ordinance that restricts people from using their property as a short term lease, which should save your neighbors trouble raucous parties in the neighborhood.

commission, the recommendations the “working group” of the Strip casino type and county staff, would “clean up the Strip.”

After that, you will move to the eradication of lust and greed.

To be fair Commissioner Steve Sisolak proposed group after spate of five murders in less than two weeks last summer, and he can hardly be blamed for their concern.

And, of course, should always ensure that our most important commercial district is a safe and as no garbage – that is deducted – as much as possible under the circumstances. A constant flow of people and alcohol tends to make a lot of garbage, and sidewalks that are far too narrow in places and lead to a shrinking crowd to imagine that they could be unsafe.

The Task Force is a series of proposals, including more frequent emptying trash cans, increased sidewalk cleaning three or four times a week, adding more police officers and establishing a night court to make a decision quickly strip the common crimes (and serve as Real-life platform for future sitcom / reality show?.)

Some of them are bread-and-butter of management. I can not believe we need a blue ribbon panel to tell us we should not have overflowing cans trash or sticky sidewalks. If the Government can not do the little things, no one will ever trust it to do great things again.

Other proposals are more about, especially civil libertarians who believe that this is another attempt to County long and pointless battle against the First Amendment. This includes setting up “time, place and manner” in some limited First Amendment activities, surveillance cameras,. and commands to prevent people from performing or panhandling on pedestrian bridges

You may despise certain First Amendment practitioners, including me – but it does give you the right to ban us. I’m talking, of course, handbillers disgusting, people who push the card advertising “escort” in the hands of passing tourists, which inevitably throwing cards on the sidewalk.

Kliknite for greater fotografiju

handbiller card runs out in May 2010 for the escort service bar just north of Flamingo Road, outside the Flamingo.

Allen Lichtenstein, general counsel of the ACLU of Nevada, said recently on KNPR’s “State of Nevada” is a sad list of names of counties in the working group and the tenor of the conversation .

“I am litigating this since 1997, attempts to control what is said and passed out on the Strip. I … walking in there after all these years, all the lawsuits, all the money the county spent lose this lawsuit, the group began by saying: ‘How to get rid of these people? “

And now not only handbillers. Also street performers, including the talented musicians and contortionists and less talented people in superhero costumes.

cracking down on unlicensed vendors, such as they sell bottles of water from the refrigerator, the security issue, but I still find it depressing that the crushing of those brave entrepreneurs considered such a priority.

County Commission President Susan Brager, also appears on the same NPR show, concerned about the safety of a street works carried out and the crowd gathered on the narrow sidewalks, which causes people to step into the street to get by. Her concern, she says, cleanliness and safety.

I think we can all live with team. We do not want to scare off tourists flock of cattle on which they depend for economic survival.

Clark County Commission should be cautious, however. And not just to prevent another loss to the ACLU.

Strip is a unique American streetscape is an invaluable asset, because that is viewed by the world. It is a symbol of American freedom, the liberation of dumb, arbitrary rules, our God-given right to be idiots. This is a big reason why people come here – not for the Prada store or an old cook, but because they can do more or less what they want


This is one of the strangest places in America. Let’s keep it that way.

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