Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Are you getting your money's worth when it comes to federal spending?

Are you getting your money's worth when it comes to federal spending?

class=”bypubdate”> Wednesday, April 18, 2012 | 02:00

How long must this year to meet their tax obligations federal, state and local governments

takes Americans an average of 100 days to achieve the “tax freedom” day when finally freed from the tax and were able to retain a portion of money they earn for themselves and their families. This year, the Tax Freedom Day in Nevada countries today -. 18 April

This is the Tax Foundation, a nonpartisan research organization in Washington, DC, that studies fiscal policy. Each year the Tax Foundation calculates the number of Americans pay federal taxes, state and local, and then use this calculation to determine how many Americans have to work just to pay their tax burdens.

Do not be surprised to learn that the tax Freedom Day, with time, increasingly falling late in the calendar. In 1930, the Americans have won their freedom from taxes for 12 February, since then, the deadline has slipped more and more in March and April, and at least one year (2000) until 1 May. (In recent years, the Tax Freedom Day has changed a few days or weeks before or after, depending on the wider economic circumstances.)

so that you know how much you will pay taxes and how long takes to satisfy their annual tax obligation. The next question is, is it safe to send money to Washington is spent wisely and well? View Image federal spending does not inspire confidence in how our taxpayer dollars are being processed.

Consider two of the most frequently mentioned issues related to the Federal Budget: The national debt and federal budget deficit. Currently, the national debt was reported at a staggering sum of $ 15.6 trillion. Meanwhile, the federal budget deficit for this fiscal year is anticipated at $ 1.2 billion, according to the Congressional Budget Office. Budget

Consider President Barack Obama for the next fiscal year will reduce the numbers for the size? Back. At most, the president’s budget will slow the growth of spending in different areas, allowing the debt continues to mount in coming years. Registration

Obama administration’s abysmal deficit spending, but we can not throw all the blame at his feet. In recent years, both sides showed a lamentable lack of will to confront the urgent need to bring federal spending under control. When you consider that most of the growth in the federal budget is divided into four categories: defense, social security, Medicare and Medicaid – to recognize that it is areas in which Washington leaders are reluctant to control the spending

Done. That is, our current level of spending is unsustainable and many Americans rightly fear the unbridled spending more to hurt than help the economy. Recent survey conducted by public announcement, the organization I head, found a solid majority of 56 percent of respondents felt that the size of federal government spending and affecting economic growth. Moreover, a total of two-thirds expressed concern about the size of public debt and its impact on the economy.

These taxpayers probably secured the commitment of Washington, was led by Republicans or Democrats, to get federal spending under control.

Some people say, citing a Supreme Court Oliver Wendell Holmes, “that taxes are the price we pay for civilization.” This may be true, but ignores the important question of how taxes have to weigh the cost to taxpayers can be reasonably expected to send money to the government spend wisely.

After all, most Americans do not like paying taxes, but unde rstands that the government needs revenue to provide basic services.

acknowledge that they are preparing taxes to fund roads and the public education system and the judicial system that administers justice. Taxes pay the salaries of firemen and policemen who keep our communities safe, and men and women in the U.S. Army is ready to protect our people. Few taxpayers complain that government expenditure is reasonable and compatible with the common good.

But the Americans are growing increasingly aware of the gap between these essential services and the huge amounts of pipe pork, waste, duplication and fraud that characterized much of the government budget . Freedom Tax Day is the perfect time to draw attention to this and to remind taxpayers should expect more from their elected officials.

class=”post-story-blurb”> Gretchen Hamel is the executive director of public notice, nonpartisan group, non-profit organization focused on the economy and how gover nment policy affects the U.S. Americans financially.

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