Friday, April 27, 2012

The past is prologue to the state Republican convention?

The past is prologue to the state Republican convention?

By Jon Ralston

class=”bypubdate”> Friday, April 27, 2012 | 02:01

So I do not like parties of the Convention does not go smoothly.

Just as the state Republican convention threatens a week so I wonder if it is possible to repeat the chaos of 2008, when President Sue Lowden and conventions, Bob Beers was demolished the house, because people in the Ron Paul was locked in the grooves of the national delegates.

That consummation devoutly wished Tis some -. though certainly not for me

Paul people are more organized than four years ago, despite the poor results of the good doctor club (third, 19 percent), after all the hype is a little weird. However, Member States have led the Executive Committee, elected by a considerable number of delegates at Confab Sparks. And now this, from the national campaign led by Carl Bunce Paul calls on his people the prospect Mitt Romney Delegates.

“I fear we will continue to call until I finally sent some kind of response suggest that you say will support Mitt Romney on the subject and attended a national convention on the subject of the second These responses were gives a false sense of power in the process to move forward. ”

I thought the presidential race was over. Not in Nevada. Nobody paulistas. (Full text of the letter was published here Bunce Barnett Sun)

As much as I see it, people are trying to make the intention of Peace in 2012 is almost 2008 – kidnapped by the delegation of the national convention. Although the Republican National Committee rules require that the Nevada delegation voted in proportion to the results of the club – Romney won 14 delegates from five of Pablo – No rules apply to acolytes of Texas congressman

It seems that would be pyrrhic victory, perhaps with emphasis photo of Paul? in circles like a crazy uncle in the Republican Party. However, candidates are likely not to alienate the legions of flatterers Peace.

Team Romney sent a letter to all delegates at the national convention, trying to build the necessary votes for Paul powerful wave. “It is clear that now is the time to join the Republicans to beat Barack Obama in the fall! Participating State Convention is very important to support the efforts of the Republican Party at a time, Nevada, red. Need your voice and your support at the convention, “Romney state director Sarah Nelson wrote.

My guess is that most delegates Peace and delete the email immediately. But maybe I’m too cynical. Or accomplice.

In fact, I see the chaos caused in this case, dedicated.

I’m sure that will happen only by the new Republican Party chairman, Michael McDonald, who will oversee the fifth convent ion in May, is essentially an honorable person Ron Paul. Close allies, David Jesse Isbell and the Law – Paul boys. Bunce signed an agreement on the list of McDonald. And Paul James Smack, the predecessor of McDonald, passed by McDonald. Oh, and the Romney campaign ran out of the chair of your choice.

none of this can be good for team Romney. But certainly I see occurring sparks in Sparks.

• Punishing legal theft: Congratulations to the Las Vegas Review-Journal and Nevada Press Association of Supreme Court petition filed amicus curiae in the attack on the decency to be committed by a lawyer of a Hard Jeff insurance and Guinness, which is demanded by investors and alteration of the FBI monitoring. Guinness attorney John Bailey, has asked the Supremes to allow the power of the nobility, my “Face to Face”, the producer and painfully honest person and a journalist, to respond when it began to be damaged in article Cover Guinness. Thus, the protection of legal documents, Bailey was a pretext for questioning the nobility, who could easily refute all the accusations can not be proved tenuous (because they are false). But Gentry will not allow this kind of tactics being used by insurgents against others – and the NPA and RJ get a potential precedent that could be set if the judges do not block the use of foul tactics Bailey

issues including protection. incorporated in Nevada Protection Act and the adjustment of the First Amendment, “raises important legal questions involving the public interest,” wrote attorney Maggie McLetchie asked the court to allow reports to be filed amicus curiae.

talking about penalties, anyone who wonders how lawyers can charge a fortune for the filing of frivolous motions and similar destructive Joe McCarthy, not to promote the interests of its customers one iota, and that would be defamatory in any other area, except in the courtroom?

Las Vegas Stories of the Sun columnist

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