Friday, April 20, 2012

Reid says Berkley, and not with NV Energy

Reid says Berkley, and not with NV Energy

By Jon Ralston

class=”bypubdate”> Friday, April 20, 2012 | 02:00

We Ever is doubtful that the majority of the Senate Harry Reid, the leader can say enough sharpness in an interview 15 minutes to fill the entire column

I, so here is his words, not, Harry inflammation Friday:

• Do not worry, be happy with Shelley: In this week’s appearances “Nevada Newsmakers”, organized by entrepreneur Sam Shad and Ray the Reno Gazette-Journal Agar, Reid to face tough questions about their immediate favorite senatorial candidate, Representative Shelley Berkley.

Agar when Reid asked if Berkeley can survive an investigation of his alleged commitment to the interests of her husband by the Ethics Committee of the House, replied: “Absolutely … people understand the different qualities of the candidates. ”

listen to this, Senator Dean Heller, a lower quality?

When the lid jumped out and asked about the issue of ethics raised in the last 90 years, working for the Number One gondolier Sheldon Adelson, Reid gave him a smile and her trademark said: “The situation (Adelson) is a passenger less than they had. It has nothing to do with ethics. They simply could not be.”

There was no follow up.

So, if it is true that Adelson and decreased Berkley, Reid will never be confused with the biographer Robert Caro appreciated when it comes to history, as Reid was left as a serious problem.

Reid may be entitled to Berkley can overcome the problems – even if the ethics panel means, is potentially fatal and Heller to use all somehow

• Restore Energy NV. Friendship: I thought that after Reid said that several years ago to “face to face,” the coal power plant ever built cottages are not – not – and that had no fences recommended. Maybe not.

“Nevada Newsmakers” said Reid, talked with Gov. Brian Sandoval, NV Energy is not doing enough to renewable energy sources, which “should be able to do more.” And that, as Cy Ryan Sun first reported, “I do not think that NV Energy has done enough to bring renewable energy to flourish.”

Reid mocked the usefulness of blaming power purchase contracts and added that he spoke with members of the Public Utility Commission of how he thinks “they (the utility) to do more.”

When I saw that when I was astonished. Is a U.S. Senator has tried to interfere with the process of recognition of state regulation?

No, no, said his spokeswoman Kristen Orthman, “not interfere wit h the process of state regulations, but worried about a slowdown in new projects, and trying to get more clarity.” Ah. I bet the most powerful man in the country that is clear as crystal.

The company is quick to point out the “Nevada” Newsmakers segment that has met the standards of state renewable portfolio (15 percent in 2011) – 16.7 percent in the South and 24.9 percent in the north. But this is not enough for Reid, Orthman I said.

“It is good that NV Energy has finally complied with the state RPS for last year, but Senator Reid is not a problem for a company that meets the legal minimum to open your concern is about creation of jobs in this important fast growing industry with huge natural Nevada renewable energy sources. ”

Oh yes, all these jobs. Five in the city of Boulder in the President visited the plant, I think.

Reid also tried to discuss a program that solar energy is expensive, is provable, but ratcheted la ter in the interview said: “Every day that passes, the ability to produce solar energy cheaper . ”

This is a problem with the arguments of the democrats in renewable energy – play the ball long when some statistics not direct backups, the number of jobs were not very large and scandals (Solyndra) will

Reality. Nevada is – here is sunny most of the time – should be an exporter of energy, which will be an economic booster -. “Clean energy / hub leader,” what is called Orthman

However, the job creator? Not so much.

Orthman and went on to take the energy company, saying, “provided under the current paradigm of NV Energy, we have some projects for new versions of 10 years (until 2022), which pulling the rug from under the net energy in Nevada. ”

, having learned from experience, wisely refused to be the senator directly. Who knows what could stop the project now? OR CAN I say blog?

I was a kid. Seriously. I have a child.

• Slow train to … West: There is a subtle but perceptible change in the rounds of the draft DesertXpress Reid, I called the train to Victorville. Reid rejected the technology of magnetic levitation, and then said that dialogue should be less of Nevada, California, legs, and more on high-speed rail network across the West.

critical levitate.

Las Vegas Sun Storie s Columnist:

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