Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Romney campaigns in Bethel Park, Rebuts Democratic tax claims

Romney campaigns in Bethel Park, Rebuts Democratic tax claims

class = “posted”> Posted: 11:26 pm EDT 17th April 2012 class=”updated”>
Updated: 17:32 EDT 17th April 2012

Mitt Romney sought to give an injection Tuesday against Democratic accusations that he favors the rich, saying that his yet-to-be announced a tax plan will not benefit the well-to-do at the expense of others. “I’ll keep the burden on upper income people are the same as it is today,” said Republican presidential candidate and waiting said the campaign through Pennsylvania on tax day. “I know that the Democrats say it every day,” They are for tax cuts for the rich, “he said, imitating their rivals.” No, ‘”he added firmly.By contrast, Romney said Obama wants to raise taxes, a step Republican, said the job would endanger creation.Unlike Romney and most Republicans, President Bush wants to allow the current-era tax cuts expire at the end of the year for those the upper incomes.As sought to counter Democratic charges inevitable, Romney, and solve other, if unspoken concerns, perceptions that there are problems with establishing the relationship of the middle class voters.To that end, his campaign arranged an outdoor event in the Pittsburgh suburb where wealthy former businessman who became a politician and eight area residents sat around a friendly picnic table and talked about economic issues. LIVE WIRE: Read real-time recap posjetaBio Romney is a fleeting moment of awkwardness when Romney guessed that a plate of cookies on the table were from “local 7-Eleven bakery or something like that,” instead of local businesses, Bethel Bakery.But Jason Thomas, one of the participants, who later told reporters: “I thought it was a nice man … I will personally go on record and say that it does not look as out of touch he is asking us what our relations were, and we tried our best to represent our concerns. concern for our children, and a lot of our friends and family as well. “Romney is the so far provided few details of the ambitious program of tax reform he says he will propose if he wins the White House.He favors all Bush-era tax cuts that are set to expire at the end of the year, and said he wanted to cut rates another 20 percent in the whole board.Romney also said it will reduce or eliminate some common tax breaks used by the rich to some of the revenue that would lost.But he still has a lot to provide additional information, or even to define what he thinks “rich”. In an interview with Tom and others around the picnic table, Romney said that middle-income Americans would benefit from his proposal to eliminate taxes on interest, dividends and capital gains for anyone earning $ 250,000 or less. When another person at the table, Kelly Wassel, expressed concern that $ 5 00 per-child tax credit may expire at the end of the year, his answer sounded like it could allow that to happen. “I actually wanted to reshape the entire tax system, okay, that’s what I want to do, and to simplify the system, as opposed to all these little baby steps …”, as she nodded off without protest.Romney Controversy over the weekend, when he heard tell donors could want to abolish tax breaks for mortgages on second homes, or perhaps do away with the state property and tax deductions for wealthy.For second day in a row, associates sought to dampen the controversy, while avoiding it.On conference call with reporters where surrogates criticizing Obama because he is unclear about its proposals, Rep. John Campbell of California, turned aside a question about possible parallels to Romney. “There are a bunch of choices and there’s a bunch of ideas, and frankly, that some choose to not important at this point,” he said. Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material May not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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