Sunday, April 22, 2012

The teachers and taxpayers

The teachers and taxpayers

Class =

Andrew Slocum, a teacher at the high school Greenspun, CCSD does not endanger the honor of increases in education under the new contract, the judgment of the court, on Tuesday, the 16th April, 2012. He will be stuck with $ 10,000 in student loans to an additional certificate, if the district wins his arbitration battle with its teachers’ union.

class=”bypubdate”> Sunday, April 22, 2012 | 02:00 am Andy, the subject of the article. Only a few things I’d like to clarify for those who seem to confuse my concern: I am angry about how much money I make, and I can not cry poverty. I’m angry because he did believe that I was fairly compensate you invest $ 10,000 in the CCSD continues to encourage me to be. This is clearly expressed in Article 26-23 of my ugovora.Čini is pretty incredible to me that the School District had no idea it would not be able to maintain its final negotiation, especially at a time to invest huge amou nts of money on things that are much smaller impact on the quality of education students. However, the district continues to fund a lot of initiatives, such as a new framework of academic achievement, service centers and areas of common core of state standards and the excessive levels of administration at a time , claim that they have enough money to pay people who are crazy for real razliku.Nisam much money I earn, I’m mad that the district apparently losing precious taxpayer dollars on initiatives that have little impact on overall quality of education students. The quality of teachers of equal quality. Five stars and iPads will not – Writist2

history of the Sun. “Salaries of teachers in higher education can only face pay cut,” focuses on Clark County School District dispute with the teachers’ union in terms of the contract that provides raises for teachers who have completed the program continuing education. Andrew Slocum, middle school librarian, complained that he spent almost $ 10,000 to complete the program and now I can see their selection revoked, leaving him still in debt. The story generated over 170 comments. Here’s a sample of them:

training to help the high school library for a better deal for students?

The question is why should not brag, but why is this process to begin?

pay for a masters degree in history may make sense to college, pay teachers more for each certificate can accumulate to follow the teaching of mathematics in third grade is ridiculous. Three plus three has not changed since it was founded this country. It aims to be changed is the problem.

– neiman1

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Investing DJ in the understanding and experience may seem a waste of money, will probably leave in this way of Las Vegas


classic bait and switch is just a part of this tragedy. Greater loss than the contraction in progress under the failure of individuals are guaranteed by the way -. The exodus of teachers, the inability to attract qualified staff and accidents in the classroom for eternity

– airweare (Joe Lamy)

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Thu agreement is a contract, a legal and binding instrument. Those who are employed under certain conditions in their contracts should not expect that these conditions are respected!

Now change the contract, then they were not parties to the agreement must be signed under a new contract to reflect changes. Should be aware of the differences between them, and consider whether you are willing to comply with these terms. …

the message is sent when people feel that public institutions can open breach of employment contract?

– staralioflundnv (Star Mistriel But Kogan-)

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Sun Slocum situation is a sad song played in a lot of houses. We are all under water, which had paid all the losses because no money is earned and promised wage increases, the current salary does not keep up with the additional cost of living for anyone. Slocum is supposed to feel sorry, because I am, technically, your employer? Well, I did. I’m sorry for all of us in this economy.

It is part of a series Heartstring-pulling story about the economic crisis? If so, I hope you are raised in a non-public. We can not pay more when we do not have money for their own teachers.

– Kafbst (Kathleen Worthington)

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Sun When taxpayers are continually asked for more money to education and constantly when told not hesitate in taking care of our children, then we know that it is money for teachers, administrators and staff benefits package. After all, millions of people with advanced education and skills are still alive and productive today after passing through the system without air conditioning, high-tech training and visual aids, no recent books, there have computer labs, a library and taught by strong teachers who are paid less, even in today’s dollars.

Yes, I understand the disappointment in the plans they go wrong and the inconvenience this may cause, but let’s not pretend that this is the level of wages and compensation, the world will collapse if not all jump up and down while these people get what they think they deserve. If so, I offer a list of people who work more, earn less and less buzz must have privileges of the head-of-th e-line.

– BRONZE (Dale Swanson)

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Professors DJ offer a quarter of the “status quo” agreement, except for increases in education . The municipality did not accept. Teachers are the classes with the understanding that, under the legal document (contract), paid for it.

Union not dig, because we care about our students and we all want to be rich. We cut, because we do not believe CCSD Dwight Jones and we have money. We gave concessions three years, and we were ready to do it in fourth place. It is a region that gets it, people.

– jzetzman (Jon Zetzman)

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Sun How to attract high-tech jobs to diversify the economy, if you have a good education system? When was the last time that parents speak with their children about the importance of education? Parents know the names of the teachers of their children? Parents know the difference between a diploma and a certificate of participation? Remember a few years ago, when CCSD is having difficulty hiring teachers to cover all the new schools were built as the population boom? What would attract teachers to reach CCSD now?

– Tanker1975

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Sun Why people think it is good for CCSD not fulfill the contract? People who think this is good is probably the same people who cry out against those who were under water at home and chose to walk, and do not fulfill their contracts.

When I have a contract with someone, I hope to be respected. If taxes must be raised, and then raise them. No promises and then walk.

– Judy

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pay for level of education of the concept of public sector Thurs This is a measure of poor performance.

– rusty57

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Thu’ve never understand this “hole”. I had a neighbor who took lessons from “Midnight University” because it allowed him to dominate, which in turn allowed him to earn more money.

Why not make gradual increases?

– Heretic

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Thu One commentator said: “The sad part is that teachers are undervalued in society.”

saddest of our economic pie has shrunk, causing 12000000-14000000 Americans who are unemployed, and the teachers are trying to grab a bigger slice of the economic pie. We have 17 percent less of declaring tax in 2007, compared with only 58.5 percent of the U.S. population is, compared with 63 percent of total employment in 2007. With so many unemployed, I have no sympathy for someone who earns $ 60,000 a year with great advantages in comparison with the private sector, including the days off work. Neither one. Zip. Hope.

– RefNV (RE Freeman)

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Sun can not be my place to say, but did not have enough problems as Andrew Slocum single library. In his 14 years in the valley, who taught science, English, and has served as yearbook and newspaper adviser for the secondary schools of lesser rank. He gave very many students in many ways surprising.

– Solar7

Las Vegas Sun: Stories Columnists

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