Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Nevada Republicans light the fuse of self-destruction

Nevada Republicans light the fuse of self-destruction

By Jon Ralston

class=”bypubdate”> Wednesday, April 25, 2012 | 02:00

If you do not know Also, I would say that there was no land in the work of the Democratic Party.

Prince Harry really that Machiavellian? It can really manipulate the left wing for what? There is a mole at the top of the Republican Party in Nevada?

How can a rise of Michael J. McDonald chaired the state Republican Party to tell? Where is Allen Funt? Or Ashton Kutcher?

Republicans, Democrats hit by a critical event in the last two cycles have a reasonable chance of winning a state, Mitt Romney, John Ensign expects the Senate seat, and take the legislative power in the upper chamber . A glue that holds together – the man accused of raising money, attacking the Democrats and Republicans articulation of principles – a former policeman and Laughlin strip club lobbyist found guilty of ethical violations, and two tracks of the fragrant offering City land rebelled everyone (except those in high Roundheels Stewart Avenue), including a conservative think t ank said Tuesday.

Come on, people. Must be a joke.

No one can benefit from the rise of McDonald in this important position, but Democrats and the Fourth Branch – Team Romney stayed on the sidelines of the vote last week, and so is the Republican Party elected to the elite – and this is my reason to doubt sparked new President was part of an elaborate and entertaining comedy or a ground of opposition. (I wonder if any of the Republican Party elected officials to speak with him without asking if he takes a cable. He has done this before.)

Maybe state Sen. Michael Roberson was joking when he wrote a certificate of recommendation McDonald, speaking “Michael can also be the only person who can truly unite the various factions of the state central committee.”

factions unite Central Committee! This is a good stand-up comic, Senator.

Who cares if it is capable of several hundred people gathered in the central committee of the party? T hey have nothing to do with whether Romney will be Sen. Dean Heller of Nevada can be overcome Representative Shelley Berkley and Roberson may become the majority leader.

You know you can make a difference? The president, who could raise money and be a powerful spokesman for the party.

McDonald can do anything. He said that risiblemente million collected by the city council of the splendor of its credibility. So what?

Sheldon Adelson

can give $ 21,500,000 to his friend, Newt Gingrich. But I do not think gondolier Number One will not believe McDonald ethics challenged with their money?


What is an eloquent spokesperson for the cause, McDonald, shortly before becoming president last week, said during the podcast that “good argument” for the red light district in downtown Las Vegas. It also pledged not to “face to face” to support the position of governor, because Roberson did not extend this tax, accusing the head of the head of the party do not communicate well why he took this position.

Come on, Mr. President. Take off the mask. It’s really, Harry Reid, a member of staff?

I want all of you – especially Governor Sandoval, Heller Senator and Representative Joe Heck – I guess that is October. CNN is here. Fox and MSNBC, too. You turn on the television to hear “, join us now, the president of the Nevada Republican Party, Michae l McDonald.”


A. Ore.

B. Keep breathing


Nevada Policy Research Institute, said Tuesday the pavement: “You just can not invent these things.” conservative think tank spoke about the business of the last juice McDonald ‘s City Council, with NPRI correctly pointing out that McDonald pattern of questionable behavior. In fact, McDonald was thrown out of office almost 11 years after the State Ethics Commission found a “their loyalty to their employers are motivated to help (in his head the private sector) in an attempt to overcome the difficult financial situation with access to staff and other members of City Council (usually a member of the audience would not), and pressure to adopt measures that benefit (head), and both himself …. There was absolutely no evidence that the action of the directors McDonald spreads … It was a good financial offer for the city of Las Vegas in the public interest. ”

Some things do not change. The neutral exregidors history when it comes to assaulting the Democrats on anything. McDonald is not only flawed messaging, which is fatally wrong messenger

. Michael McDonald

might be right in saying that no one paid any attention to it, that will unite the party and will result in the overwhelming victory of the Republican Party in November. Or perhaps, as Michael McDonald also said once, that’s what a fool believes.

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